Chapter 3

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Nanon POV.

"Hey Nanon, good morning on time as always." commented my boss Tay tawan  with a grin on his handsome face. 

"Yeah, phi good morning." I greeted him back while changing into restaurant clothes which are light green in color. I started cleaning and arranging kitchen vessels on the kitchen slab. 

 "We have time why don't you rest a bit?" I mean I can clean this all things.

I know how clumsy you are phi so please don't butt in. I said while cleaning the juice glasses. 

Okay don't need to remind me that I am clumsy Nanon!   

After I was done with all the cleaning i started decorating cakes with white whipped cream while phi Tay was serving to the customers after decorating the cake i sliced them neatly then placing them for display.

you really like decorating, don't you? asked phi Tay looking at the rainbow crepe cake which I was placing in the display i nodded my head smiling brightly cause decorating cakes makes me feel happy.


Hey Nanon, serve one lemon pineapple pastry with a Lemonade. I heard phi Tay screaming I frowned at the weird order. like why everything sour? carefully I took the Leamon pastry trying to serve in vertical position but failed successfully. this shit happens every fucking time there was one fine day when i successfully served a customer chocolate pastry in vertical position, but that idiot just threw the cake and ate it in horizontal position back then i was so disappointed anyways i placed the order and screamed the order number so that customer can take the cake. 

'Hey Nanon!!!'i turned listening to the sweet voice and to my shock it was none other than Film.

Heyyyy hello long time no see film. you still remember me?

OfCourse, I remember you Nanon you were our school topper.  is this your part time job? what are you doing now any higher studies?

No. it's my full-time job. I replied with a bitter face.

Why? what happened?

Uh I discontinued my studies. I replied again plastering a fake smile because I don't want to get pitted.

NANON ONE MARGIRITA WITH A CHILLED COKE. i looked back then again at Film, I need to go. I said showing my finger to kitchen she nodded her head taking the cake and her lemonade.

But while leaving she came to me and asked my number saying that we need to be in touch, and she will DM me. again, I nodded my head and gave her my number.


That evening i called Ohm to get some chips and 2 cans of chilled beer and meet me on the roof top.

he came sat beside me i gave him my dimples smile while he was frowning at me.

'You look so happy? did you win any lottery or what? asked ohm while opening beer can for me while I started saying everything that happened today, and this dickhead started laughing like crazy.

Why are you laughing? Idiot does it look like a Joke to you?

So you are saying that she just gave you her number even when you didn't ask.

Uhhh Yes. (Nanon chuckles)

I don't think she gave her number just to be in touch with you. Something is suspicious here. Ohm said while thinking in the air.

Oh come on idiot stop looking at me with your doubtful eyes, you are just jealous of me because I got a pretty rich Girlfriend.

So you are already saying that she is your girlfriend? Lmao. Have you seen your face in the mirror how can you even expect a pretty rich girl will fall in love with you ?

"I am handsome see I have these Dimples in my cheeks they are enough for me to make her mine."

Sath (smacks Nanon's head)

See she is calling me. Says Nanon smiling very hard.

Well pick up the call put it on speaker. Said Ohm joining  Nanon's excitement.

Hello Film !!! Hii. What's up ? You need any help ? You can talk to me okay.

Actually yes ! it's already 12 am I am trying to reach online restaurant but they are saying it's not available as it's raining. I thought your restaurant will be open.

Ohm Chuckles making fun of Nanon meanwhile Nanon places his hand on Ohm's lips muffling his chuckles.

Yeah! It will be open My Boss stays in the same restaurant and we deliver the food till night.

So can you talk the order if you don't mind.

Sure. what's there to mind we are friends.

Thankyou! Proceeds to place an order. nanon smacks Ohm's shoulders indicating him to take the order. Ohm frowns but types the order in his phone.

Thankyou so much Nanon. you are such a sweet person with cute dimples.

See I told you she gave her number because she can get free delivery at midnight. Bruhh she is literally using you. Said Ohm with a grin on his face.

Nothing like that. Have you heard her how she talked? Such a sweet person with cute dimples she said. (Nanon chuckles with cheeks flushed)

Okay Okay. Now stop acting weird and get out before she says I hate you even before you actually propose her.


After the call  Nanon went to his restaurant took the keys from Tay tawan cooked the food and then went on delivery. When he reached Film's Flat she opened the door with a smile which made Nanon's heart flutter.

Wanna Come in ?  Asked Film with the same smile.

Emmm ... I don't think I will fit here !

Oh Nanon you are being too shy what the hell we are friends you forgot that ? Don't ask like you are some stranger and GET IN RIGHT NOW.


Tc 😘

I have not checked I don't have any patience to re check so yeah.... Enjoy! In this write 7 days I will try to write as much as possible but tbh I want to read but I started this story.

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