Chapter 26

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Nanon's POV

Next Day morning I went to Ohm's Home. To check on him hoping he wasn't playing with me this time.

Why you are here ? Thai asked me Opening the door.

Ohm...I said pointing towards his room.

Come you wanna check on him? I said you he left. Thai  said showing their room which was clearly empty. I felt dejected. As I fell on the soft curling my knees in fear.

Thai came with a big box throwing near my foot things in the box shattered on the floor.

Tell me how much more my brother have to drink for the pain for loving you ? And still after all the you did. He is so stupid that he still love you even after knowing loving you will give him only pain.

I sat on the floor. Looking at the gifts he brought for me but never gave me.

Do you even know how many time my brother tried to express his feelings to you but you never tried to listen him. It's always you who used to talk. You never tried to ask him what he is going through what he is feeling towards you......P tell me one thing you always used to hang out with him did you never felt that he looking at you more than a friend? Not even for once ?

I- I had no idea. I replied taking in the truth which was never been revealed....I was already crying mess.'s over. Now please don't try to ruin my brother's life all over again. He finally moved on from you and I beg for your mercy let him live for himself from now on.


In Vegas.

What happened Ohm? Looks like you are not enjoying the party?

No P. I was zoning out for no reason. But the wine here tastes good.

Hmm. Yeah. By the way you still have not replied to my question the other day in the car.


Okay. I don't force on you. I'll count to 5 if you kiss me then we are going out if you don't...... still we are going out after you are done adjusting with me.




P.... Wait


I can't. I said finally.

Okay. P Perth smiled sadly.

I can't figure out P. Sometimes you make me feel crazy sometimes I swear I wanna get out of your view cause I am scared that you might hate me.

Why Ohm?

I don't know.

Okay what about the chance I asked you the other day?

P............. Can I take some time.

How long ? It's been already half a month since we came here.


Okay. I think I lost the chance.

P... It's not like that.

If it's not like that? Then what was it ? Maybe I was never been a chance for you ? Maybe I was a choice for you from the very start. I know that I was just a choice but still I wanted you to find me as an answer that's why I left you when we were young but I was wrong answer from the very start. Cause Nanon was your Answer. Nanon was your one and only option. And that's why even you both are apart , you have not received or sent divorce papers to Nanon.

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