Chapter 19

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Ohm's POV

In the Office

After clearing the air between us I feel really good. It's truth that I can't stay long not talking to him cause he is my bestest friend after all the things he went through I don't want him to suffer alone. Nanon is really Good he thinks about everyone except himself and Me. I was thinking scribbling things on the last page of my diary.

Sir Ohm someone is waiting for you in the reception. Green my colleague said.

Who will come for me? It will be Nanon for sure but I got my lunch today.

Sir can you please go fast if not you'll be a dead meat.


He was angry when we didn't allowed him in as you were in the meeting hall. But he was claiming that He is your Husband.

My Husband? FUCK Yes he is my husband....I need to run cause I forgot to handover the medicines at home. Green think I'm gonna be dead meat already.

I ran all the way to the lift and waiting for it to come up. As I was going into it P Perth called me and I stopped it.

Thanks Ohm.

No mention P. Anything urgent? I asked him as I saw his face getting pale.

No. I got exhausted from the work so going out to grab something to eat. Wanna come with me ?

Sure. But first I need to meet my husband. I said in between.

Your HUSband ?

Ding Dong...(lift doors got opened)


Oh sorry Non. I'm really really sorry! I'll be careful from next time. I said joining my hands. Did Dad skipped taking medicines ?

NOOO. Thank God he had extra pill before meal time. He called me and said that you'll get medicines for him but you didn't get it so Dad called to ask about it. I left P Tay when there are so many customers in the Bistro. He said now chocking my neck with his arms.

Ohm you okay? P Perth ran towards me looking at us. I tapped on nanon's hand which was wrapped around my neck. He left my neck. Nanon and P were having staring contest I don't know why. I cleared my throat...

Nanon it's P Perth My Boss. And P this is...

NANON Nanon Korapat. P said cutting me off.

You remember him? I asked in a suprise.

Yeah Of course. I do. The guy who always used to call you when I was tutoring you. I even remember how he came to my house fully drunk and caused a mess. How can I forget him ? He said still looking at Nanon. Nanon moved forward showing his hand for a handshake then they both gave greeting to eachother.

I think I played an important role in your life that's why you remember me well. But I'm sorry I don't remember or recall you. Nanon said shaking his hand with Perth.

Perth Tanapon. Ohm's Boss. P said.

Nanon Korapat. Ohm's Husband. Nanon said now smirking. I don't know why I feel like they are having a cold war between them just like they used to be when we were young.

Mmmm....Nanon the pills. I interrupted taking the pills from my side pocket handing over to Nanon.

Thanks buddy. See you at home. He smiled flexing his dimples and walked away.

You got married to Nanon ? P asked me staring the back of Nanon.

P you asked me for lunch. I said now smiling to P Perth.

Here we are sitting in the car. P was tapping his fingers to steering wheel.

Aren't you staring the car? I'm hungry. I said clearing the silence.

Emm Yeah. Before that I still can't believe you got married to Nanon. I mean he used to be str8 asf. Was it a forced marriage?

I chuckled. Gosh he is like this like always his random guesses are always true.

Was it a guess? I asked.

Is it true? he questioned me back. I gulped cause it is what it is. He knows me very well a person who can actually understand me inside out. I never speak about my things but it always been about Nanon. I can't pour out my anger to Nanon there are so many things which I can't share with him but it was P Perth who asked me about my well and good. It was him where I can be myself. And I don't find it wrong sharing my thoughts and feelings with him cause he never judge me.

Yes. Nanon and I can't be a thing you know it very well P.

So my guess was correct. But what was the reason behind this Marriage?

It was us being selfish and greedy. I replied. I was looking straight not at all willing to look at P. Cause I may burst into tears at any time.

I breathed out. Sharing my darkest secret which I want to spill it out from my month. The secret which was choking me from inside.

I got married to Nanon cause I want to work in Vegas. Far away from everyone and everything which I don't like. Nanon agreed to this because of family problems. We are just living together as husbands for name sake but actually there is nothing between us. Cause we can't be more than best friends and that's impossible. I said gulping down my saliva. The secret which was between me and Nanon now got shared to P Perth. Tbh I feel good cause all the things going in my mind in this unstable unnamed relationship making me go crazy. Sometimes I wanna run away from this fake marriage cause I am scared maybe I will ruin it.

P held my hand tight.

We can get out of this Ohm. Wanna start all over again ? He asked me. I stared at him.

When time comes.....will you forget everything? Just remember Nanon and this marriage as a nightmare. Back then when you asked me out , I was thinkin about myself my dreams my studies my future but now can you give me a chance when you get out of this ?

A Chance for both of us.....

The tears in my eyes couldn't hold back. I don't know what to say but I need to come out of this and restart with the person who knows me better. Restart new.

I'm sorry for being selfish, for hurting you. P apologised but it should be me who should apologise him.


Can I kiss you Ohm ? He asked me all of a sudden I didn't bulge I stayed like that like a statue. I need to clear my mind. P started coming closer and yes I really want to kiss him badly. I want to forget everything happened in the the past. I wanna continue having that teenage feelings on Perth.

I closed my eyes....

I could feel his breath on my nose....

Drive you Home by Jackson Wang of Got7

Hello Non.

I'm Taken Over You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora