Chapter 17

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Ohm's pov

I woke up with a hit of my face. I opened my eyes to see Nanon's foot I slapped and pushed his feet getting up then watching Nanon sleep upside down. I massaged my temples  it's been Month since I am married to him still thinking what I was thinking before accepting this idiot as my Husband. I got up from the bed to get a warm bath. After the bath I came out in bathrobe picking out my clothes and then changing cause it doesn't matter for me to get changed when he sleeping like a cindrella. Then going to the kitchen to cook. Even if I don't know much about cooking but watching Nanon cook often I learned few things like cooking ramen , omelet, or making a sandwich for myself sometimes I want Nanon to sleep for a while cause I have morning shifts these days.

Why didn't you wake me up? I looked Nanon who woke up from his half sleep rubbing his eyes walking towards me.

Cause you were sleeping like a dead cindrella and I am not the prince to wake you from your dead sleep. I commented.

He rolled his eyes and took the lunch box from me. Go have this sandwich as your breakfast I'll make you fired rice for you lunch.

No need.

What? Just give me that lunch box then in a second he snatched it  from me placing the sandwiches on plate. Pointing towards it gesturing me to have my breakfast.

I opened my pdf watching the project files while munching my sandwiches. I was so involved in reading the file that I almost forgot I was late. I started hurrying having big bites.

Hdhjs ksmakms !!

Huh ? What you said? Eat first then speak clearly or you will chock to death Nanon said giving me a side eye. I gulped my sandwich.

Bye I am leaving. I said waving my hand.

Wait he said running towards me. He turned me by my shoulders. From now on no work in the morning. Look at yourself can't even wear your tie in a correct way he said fixing it. Times like this makes me to think....what he think about himself? Is he taking this marriage seriously? Like come on he does act like my real husband. Nanon shaked me calling my name making me to come out of my thoughts.

Huh? I said.

Aren't you late now ?

Emm yeah. I took my bag and started running.

In the Office...

As I took elevator I heard gossips from section D. I was not concentrating on the gossip until I heard them taking about the New boss. After getting out of the elevator I face palmed my face kicking near by wall Shitttt what the fuck is happening to me these days All the karma is roaming around my Neck. New Boss does that shit should happen now when I literally worked my ass out to impress our old boss for getting a job in Vegas all that hardwork went into vein? Goddddddd whyyy Meeee? As I was pulling my hair someone patted my shoulder I cleared my throat setting my hair before turning.

Ohm Pawat ??

I heard familiar voice and then I remember the familiar face.

Phi Perth? What's up? You here ? All of a sudden? I got excited looking at my senior from School who used to teach me Math back in school days.

So many questions all at once just like you used to ask back in school days.

I smiled like an idiot scratching my neck. Anyways why are you here?

Mr. Tanapon. Good to see you early in the Morning. Ohm what are you doing there it's our new Boss give him greetings.

Huh ? Ah ? Oh yeah...Good Morning Mr. Tanapon sir. It took me a minute to process

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