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Everything was perfect. We were breaking the law. My sweet Ivy had never and never will go to the machine. Her mind will stay this way. She was the only thing on my mind while we existed in our bubble of tranquility.

That was until an earth shattering, hhh tranquil bubble popping knock sounded from my bedroom door.

"Shit." Is all I could whisper.

"What's going on?"

"That's a good question that we are about to find the answer to. While I do that, will you please go sit in the window and pretend to be asleep? I don't know who or what's behind that door, but we will both suffer greatly if we are found in this position."

Ivy looked at wearily and her eyes had a fear behind them. I never thought I would have to do this, never thought I would be begging, but here I am.

"Please, Ivy?"


We both got up and rushed to our places. Ivy to the window and me to my desk. I pulled out all my work that needed to be done and even a few things that already, to make it look like I had been working.

The knocking persisted and seemed to grow loud with each second that I wasn't answering the door.

I ran to my bathroom and turned on the shower to the hottest it would go. While waiting for steam to fill the room, I took off my suit jacket and tie hanging them both up.

Faster than I ever had before, I unbuttoned my dress shirt and threw it in the hamper.

As I was going over everything, making sure my lie was full proof, I thought to put headphones on Ivy, and play some soft meditation and relaxation music.

Finally, I ran to the door and answer to find my mother at fault for the knocking.

"Mother, wha- what are you doing here?"

She remained stone faced as usual. Showing no emotion and being 100% the 17th century lady my father has forced her to be. Besides giving birth to me, I would never guess that she is a mother.

She walked into my room, walked around for a bit and sat down at my desk.

"Your sheets are rumpled, the shower is running and your pet ot toy ot whatever it is you call it is asleep in the window instead of on the floor where it belongs. Explain yourself Jacson Hanson."

"Of course mother. After today's events I came back to my room. I found my pet like so, only without headphones on. I can only assume that it was watching and listening to the rain. I put the headphones on when I heard someone knocking to keep whatever conversation we had private. As for my bed sheets being rumpled, I was lying in bed reading as to begin winding down before bed. I had finished the chapter and decided to get in the shower tonight so I could sleep a little longer in the morning.

"To put it simply, mother, you interpreted my bedtime routine and I would very much like to continue it so I can be well rested for tomorrow. "

After all was said, she just looked at me for a minute. Her stare seemed to narrow at me as if she was trying to sense if I had lied or not.

I hoped and prayed to whomever was listening that she wouldn't catch on to my massive lie.

"Very well then. Jacson, you and your pet will join the family dinner tomorrow. Make sure it's in proper attire, none of whatever this is... farewell, pleasent night."

She left, almost as quickly as she came in. I looked at Ivy, I rather liked seeing her wearing oversized sweatshirts. It made her comfortable and it made her smile, which in turn makes me smile.

I walked over to the window and took the headphones off her. She had actually fallen asleep during mothers visit.

I guess this will just have to wait until morning..

Carefully, I picked her up and moved her to the bed. Trying my best to keep her asleep, I tucked her in nice and warm.

"I'm gonna take a short shower, and then I'll be right with you." Is what I had whispered to her unconscious form.

I ran to the door to make sure it was locked.

He's in controlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon