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There were limos at the front or in the driveway of every house on my street by noon on Saturday.  The ball was hours away and yet we were already expected to be ready.

I had spent the early morning bathing and doing my hair into a side braid that became a bun right behind my left ear and very light and simple makeup. For hating the balls as much as I do, it's a fabulous time to take care of my skin and hair. I wasn't going to get dressed until I had to leave though. Getting dressed too soon ruins the magic of the dress.

I didn't have any plans to appear in the line of sight ot looking men but on rare occasion that one started a conversation with me I wanted to sound just as mindless and robotic as every single other girl in the world. The idea made the process sound difficult but in all honesty it's just reading the required books. Let me be honest here, those books are essentially just the society's way of hypnotizing us. They said to be nice and obey and that garbage.

By the time 4:30 rolled around I had read through all the books like 10 times, been checked in on by my mother 19 times, and read the words 'Obey your Master' over 6,000 times. Yeah, very repetitive books. The ball was in 30 minutes and would last for 2 hours. I can be mindless for 2 hours.

I quickly got dressed into my shirt and skirt throwing on my ballet slipper like flats that laced up my shins. Touching up my hair and makeup I told my parents that I was leaving. As I was closing the door I swore I heard the smallest sound of a bell and watched the smallest glimpse of a falling figure. A normal person is would've investigated but, falling figures and bells were sort of a normal thing.

I got into the limo in front on my home and waited for the driver to come to my door and put the visor on my head. The visor would end up messing with my hair, I knew that for sure but they couldn't have you knowing where you were going so it was nessicary. Not only did they block out your view but they also had a black and white spiral play on it with words being on the screen and read aloud. The words were changed based on the age of the ball. For my age group it was simply just 'obey' but for adultsit could be 'Sexy' or 'Playtime' for children it could be 'be nice' or something along those lines.

I figured if I just close my eye I'll only hear the words for the 7,000 time today.

There was a small knock on the limo door before it opened and I heard a very deep and almost tired voice.

"You know the procedure Miss?"


As soon as I answered I felt the man touch my head and seconds later the visor was over my eyes.

"The spiral will play when this limo starts moving. Dont take off the visor for whatever reason. If there is a problem, get the attention of your driver."

And with those very harsh words the door closed. I felt the limo start moving and I saw the visor start the spiral and the large repetition of 'Obey'. It's near impossible to look away after looking for too long but, closing your eyes right at the beginning makes it easy. I however was seconds before falling down the rabbit hole.

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