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Jace's POV

I'm falling for her.
I hate it and I love it.
I can't help it.
I want her, yet she is my slave not my wife. I chose her to serve me and I want to marry her and take her away from this cruel word that we live in. No where is safe though.
There is no where in this world where I could take her. If I were to remake the world and stop these crazy stupid standards.... but what can one man do?

I continued to sit at my desk in my office thinking, twiddling my thumbs is more like it. I hadn't even picked up a pen. Ivy was consuming my thoughts. I couldn't go for help anywhere. Every male in my life has used The Machine on their wife's and have fallen for that version of her. But, I haven't used it on Ivy yet, and I'm head over heels.

I want to keep her just the way that she is. Not force something that she does want onto her, but there's no way to do that. The process has already started and if I were to stop it now Ivy would permanently be living in a cycle thinking that she has no worth while I'll still be hung up about her.

God, if I didn't have an older brother, I could change the way things are done. It would only be in this area, but who knows it could spread to the whole world. The whole world seeing the way that I do. A way where we don't have to force people to do things.

Sighing and admitting to myself that I'll never get anything done with thoughts like these, I get up and leave my office deciding that my choice might be easier to make if I hang around Ivy for a while to watch her.

As I walk through the halls back towards my room, my mind wanders and I begin to notice how many people have been affected by this machine. No hallway is empty and they are all spotless of dust and dirt, yet full of people who had no choice. We, no not we, my father pushing them to this.

As I continued my walk to my room I ignore the bows that they give. I can't live like this anymore. Thousands of years of us living like this.... people forced to live like we're in the time of the ancients all over again.

As I approached my room, I saw that the door was slightly cracked open. This only pushed me to walk faster. When I opened the door, I saw her curled up in the window with a book laying face up at her side. I walked closer and saw that she was asleep with Blanc snuggled into her arms.

She must've fallen asleep here while reading, and Blanc must have been let in by another member of the staff. I pick up the book and the kitten to put them away. Blanc stirs and wakes, smiling at me with that Cheshire like grin.

"Blanc, how was your sleep little one?"

He yawned and stretched as I put the book back on the shelf and put Blanc on the cat tree I have for him in my room.

Walking over to Ivy, I gently picked her up and moved her to my bed and placed her under the covers. She deserves so much better than what she has.

I place a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead and move to work at the small desk I have in my room. Just as I'm about to start working, I notice a moment going towards her. Watching carefully, as to make sure no harm came to her, only to come to the realization that it was Blanc. He must have grown a small relationship with her.

I watch him as he jumps up and curls into a small black void next to her. Sighing contently, I begin to do what work that I can.

I prefer this. Working in a comfortable environment with Ivy in my sight, seeing her peaceful sleeping. It just made my decision much easier.

She's staying the way she is.

So, I know this took a while to make. And I'm very sorry for it. So, there has been several devastating in my life since my last update, all good things, but because of these things my writing time has severely decreased.
I have decided to keep writing but I think I can only get one chapter out per month.

Thank you for you love and your support on this. I'm not sure if I'll get one out in April but I'll sure try.

Once again, thank you.

Keep reading and Lots of Love


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