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Jace's PoV
When the sun arose I look at Ivy and say her in the same position I left her in last night. Giving her a gentle shake to wake her up I got up and got ready for my day. I showered and got dressed. Before leaving my room I left a book besides the cup of water and shook Ivy again.

I had a meeting with some engineers about further upgrades to The Machine and the collars. And a photoshoot / interview with the local news stations about my feelings last night's ball. I mentally sighed as I had so many things to do in such a small amount of time.

All I wanted right now was to be near my dear sweet Ivy. She'll soon learn to love me weather it through reading my name over and over again or the dream alterations that the collar makes.

Ivy's PoV

The sun shown brightly in my eyes and awoke me from my slumber. When I opened my eyes I found that I was on a bed. Next to me there was a glass of water and a book.

I drank the water and read the cover of the book. 'WarBringer.' Sounds very interesting. I'll read it after I shower and change.

Speaking of which when I stepped into the bathroom it felt like it was bigger than the bedroom. I bathed, because screw showers when the bathtub is essentially a jacuzzi, and changed into lamothe exact same thing that I was previously wearing just in a light Lavender color.

Finishing up in the bathroom by pulling my hair into a ponytail I stepped out and licked up the book that was on the nightstand to begin reading. The only problem though is that there looks to be no where comfortable to read in this mansion sized room.

The windows were Bay windows, the best kind, so I picked a window and got comfy with a throw pillow and throw blanket to read this book.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm sleepy and wanted to get this out to you guys before Saturday night became Sunday morning.

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