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Jace's POV

I did everything as quickly as I could so I could hold her in my arms again. The shower I took lasted less than 10 minutes if even that.

After drying my body as fast as humanly possible, I threw on a pair of boxers and a loose pair of gray sweatpants.

Turning off all the lights, I slid into bed next to my sweet Ivy. I pulled her close and kissed her temple. This moment is all I live for. This serenity and peace that she brings unto me.

God, if I were ever to lose it, lose her, I wouldn't stop until I was able to hold this beauty in my arms again.

I swear to God and everything that is holy unto this earth. My Ivy will flourish and she will not be held down by the cruel standards set for this world.

She rolled herself over while lost in her dream. You could ask me what they were about, and I couldn't tell you anything other than the fact that they were pleasant due to the look on her face.

I will give the sun, the moon, and the stars to her if she asks me to give them to her. I would kill the unkillable and think the unthinkable.

God, I've fallen head over heels for her and I couldn't care less. She is my all and I hope one day I will be hers.



I think I slept for 12 hours. Time flew out of my grasp in a matter of minutes and I felt like I didn't know anything when I opened my eyes to the noon sun shining through the window.

I was so warm and comfortable that I had rolled over to try and hide from the sun and maybe sleep the whole day away, but I was met with a hard chest and the warm arms of a loving embrace.

I sat up quickly in surprise and discovered that I was in Jace's arms, which was peculiar and stumped me because I vaguely remember falling asleep on the window sill as usual. This is new and panic-inducing.

Why am I here?

How did I here?

Did he miss his feeling of control so he took me and-

"Ivy, shhhh, you're okay. I'm right here, right here. Let's calm your breathing and talk it out. Okay?"

I nodded and I felt the same pair of strong arms from before holding me tightly. He was whispering in my ear and helping me calm down. One of his hands reached up and wiped away tears that I didn't even know were falling from my eyes and onto my cheeks.

I don't think I would have been able to breathe without his help, without anyone's help, and the one who is supposed to own me and make my life a living hell, from what I have been told and seen from my own parents, but Jace is anything but that. 

He pulled me out of the spiral I sent myself into.

It took 30 seconds, most likely less, maybe slightly more for me to turn and kiss him. Our simple kiss turned hot and breathtaking in a matter of minutes. In those minutes I was lying on top of Jace.

I ended up breaking the kiss and leaned away giggling just a touch, but he noticed.

"What's so funny? I thought we were going to have some fun and that adorable laugh of yours is killing the mood."

Jace's hands wandered to the hem of my shirt. He sat there for a minute playing with it before his hands slipped under the fabric and came to rest right on my ribs.

"You gonna tell me or are you gonna keep all those thoughts in your head?"

I let out a puff of air and watched it blow his hair around on his face before finally speaking the thoughts that had been plaguing my mind.

"I was just thinking that I would be amusing and terrifying if we were caught. It would be funny to see the face of someone who walked in on us in this position and then it's terrifying to think about the repercussions on both of our ends. We're not following the construct of society. We could both be killed."

His face had a look of understanding and then fear. I've never seen a look of fear on his face before.

A new voice spoke. It was old and somehow very poised. Motherly and horrid all at the same time.

"It's too late."

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