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Ivy's PoV
Jace had a few rules set in place but he didn't force me to follow them like how everyone else does. Well there was one that was definitely a rule

°You can only leave this room with Master's permission.

The whole 'Call me Master' thing had died and I honestly had no idea why.

A few other rules have also been forgotten, like me sleeping on the couch, he let's me sleep in thg e bed with him but that might just be because it's getting colder outside and in the house.

I was sitting and reading Harry Potter for the 5th time when the door opened but no one had come in. Weird to say the least because Jace didn't let anyone in his room unless he was in here aswell.

I turned my head towards the door to see a small pure black kitten with a golden ribbon tied around it in a cute bow. The cat had been green eyes and looked as though it was asking permission to come in.

After a few long and failed attempts I got the cat to come in and let me pick him up. Firstly, I noticed how soft he was abs secondly, I saw the red paw print shaped tag with his information. The tag said that his name was..


Saying his name aloud made him happy.

"Why were you named so poorly? Why not Midnight, Black Hole, or even Chase? Those would al be better names for a black cat than Blanc."

He meowed again at my statement seeming to agree with me.

I set him beside me and got back to reading my book. A book about war as almost all of them are. A Queendom almost obstructed and the people thrown into prison for not following the will of the harsh queen. I really like the outfits more then the story.

On the note of outfits, in getting tired of mine. It's just a XXXL T-shirt but I want something to else to wear. Something that gives it personality.

Stepping away from my book and Blanc, who apparently fell asleep, I sneak into Jace's closet and grab a belt to pull in the fabric of the shirt and accentuate my waist.

It doesn't do much, but it makes me feel more like I'm wearing a dress than a bed sheet. My closest has grow a little bit but I prefer to wear small accessories from Jace's closet or more appropriately wardrobe.

His closet was mostly suits and other fancy clothes. He let me have a few pairs of leggings  and shirts along with some more reveling things that he requested me to wear whenever he knew he would have a bad day. Other than that I was free to roam about the bedroom.

Jace's only other rule was that we were to shower together. He would shower 2 times a week and those 2 times I was to shower with him. The shower wasn't cramped, nor was it too large. It was about the size of a small home office.

It wasn't ideal but it worked. I was given many small maiden house wife things to do like cross stitch, embroidery, and crochet. They were nice time consuming things but I never got too into them. I was mostly into reading or gardening. But I can't leave the room, so I just read while sitting in a window looking at the garden wishing that I could be there instead of here.

It's been so long. Heh. I've been working school. To be honest this chapter stumped me. I finally finished it. I don't know when the next chapter will be out but please keep I mind that I'm in school now so chapters will be way less frequent. I'll try to get at least 2 out within the next month but until then

Keep reading and Lots of Love


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