A high-ranking solider, but his expression looked awkward, like someone who had just Recently had the opportunity to o serve... Why did His Highness choose this person to be the messenger?

Many questions arose in my mind. Charan carefully assessed the situation from all the probabilities in front of him. Before finding out that there are many things that are wrong. First of all, if it weren't for the matter, the Great Lord wouldn't have ordered him to meet in the middle of the night like this. And secondly, there was no way His Highness would allow a stranger to summon him to his presence...if it weren't for His Highness to keep the matter a secret.

Use common people... To look ordinary. It's better than using someone close to you as a point of focus.

"Are you a newcomer?" Sharon eagle eyes swept back to look at the outsider. Charanpreey asked in a calm voice. While secretly observing the symptoms of the interlocutor The solider's expression was as if he was trying to contain himself. What a contrast with the slightly dilated pupils... nervous.

"Are you a newcomer?" Sharp eagle eyes swept back to look at the outsider. Charanpreey asked in a calm voice. While secretly observing the symptoms of the interlocutor the solider's expression was as if he was trying to contain himself. What a contrast with the slightly dilated pupils... nervous.

"How...how do you know?"

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised in a smile to show friendliness. He shifted his gaze to the shoes of the person Infront of him as an answer.


"Your shoes are new. It doesn't feel that much I'm guessing that you must have... Just been working for less than a week."

"Yes, actually it was just yesterday." The young solider mist have seen it good to make friends with a famous artist under the patronage of the Overlord, so he replied straightforwardly with a relaxed expression. Completely different from the listeners.

"and did His Highness have any other instructions?" Charan still maintains his natural pose flawlessly. even though my heart was already restless

"The King did not have any clear instructions, Mr. Charan. His Highness only smiled and said, if you ask then let me inform Mr Charan that ' i saw cicadas molt. summer is almost here it would be nice to have a friend sipping tea.'

The young man lowered his eyes at the words. He tried to analyze what the Sovereign had ordered the officers to say like this. and also please choose a new soldier to invite him to meet. Just this, it was clear that he didn't want outsiders to know about it, but still he was careful.

His Highness trusted in using ignorant people to do this work. Pick someone who looks stupid. easy to talk Looks like he can't keep a secret. Approach him. Because His Highness had already assessed that in the end, if this matter had to come out to other people's ears, the important message would not be disseminated as well. The window has a hole in the door. if you are not careful,it can be dangerous. On the other hand, if you are too careful, it can also be suspicious.

i saw cicadas moult summer is almost here if i had a friend to sip tea, it would be good. Either way or...

The younf man repeated the words of the Overlord in his heart before turning his head to look out the window. Seeing the flash of light from the lighting passing through, he suddenly closed his eyes. The sound of rain pouring outside poured into the sky and ground until the smell of moisture filled the area. The lump in his left chest suddenly started beating faster and he began to feel a slight dizziness. but must keep the symptoms

Charan hates the smell of rain. hate thunder hates wetness hate everything about the drops from the sky...

in fact, the Overlord was probably the one who knew best about his condition. Because His Highness is the one who has told him to keep himself away every time the rain falls. At this time, the weather outside can be called nothing close to the word Summer was coming a little bit. On the other hand, the real summer had already passed, so what the overlord wanted to convey was probably something else in that sentence.

The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [Charan&Kanin]Where stories live. Discover now