La Llorona💔🎀

Start from the beginning

    "First of all, I'm twenty three. Second, that's all just a story Quackity, it's not real" Dream stated.

    "Really Dream?" Everyone turned to Bad, "you don't think it's real? What if it is? It sounds kinda realistic, I mean,
people are messed up" He stated, Dream rolling his eyes.

    "oh come on, obviously the story itself is probably real. But the ghost part is totally fiction." Dream shook his head,
George's eyes connecting with his fluffy blonde hair that was flying around as he did so. "If it was real, would I do
this?" Dream walked over to the forest, cupping his hands over his mouth, "Fuck you Maria! You deserve eternal
regret!" Sapnap took Dreams hands away from his face.

    "dude! Even if it isn't real, how do we know there aren't other ghosts here names Maria? You don't know!"
Sapnap turned to Quackity, "so.. about Maria" Sapnap fixed his hair, "got her number?" Bad rolled his eyes.

    George looked at the dirt path that extended to the lakeside, covered by the dark trees. He looked up at the
skies, seeing the stars were covered by gray clouds, the majority of the sky being shrouded in darkness. More chills
ran down his spine, eerie. He looked back at the forest, wondering, if he died in there, would anyone find him? No
one found Maria, or her kids, so would he be left in eternal misery in the woods as well?

    "Boo!" George felt someone latch onto his shoulders, he slightly screamed, wafting whatever was behind him
away. He turned around, seeing Sapnap laughing.

    "you idiot! You could've given me a heart attack! That's it, I'm standing four feet away from you all times" George
walked over to Dream, standing behind him. He did it so slickly, that thankfully, no one noticed. Thank god Dream was
here, Dream was the only thing keeping George from jumping in Sapnaps car and speeding off. He didn't care if he
couldn't drive, he'd learn in those seconds if it meant getting the hell out of here. There was something about these
forests, something about that story, it didn't sit right with George.

    Sapnap held up his camera, "alright, now that I've scared George, Imma start the intro" Sapnap smiled, as he
fixed his hair. Bad closed the trunk of the car, they all had their stuff. Five flashlights, two backpacks that had
water bottles, energy bars, matches, cameras, batteries, and candy bars. Quackity said on the drive over, that
if they were up for it, they could stay the night in the forest. Which is why he brought matches and batteries.
He said there was a old shed a few yards away from the lake, saying that they could stay there for a while if
they wanted to. "We've just arrived at the lake said to be haunted by the woman or whatever" Sapnap stated,
holding up his camera, and doing a full 360 turn to show everyone here, and the car they just drove in.

    George watched as Sapnap did the intro with Quackity, explaining what they were going to do, and how long
they'd stay. "George" George jumped slightly, looking up at Dream who spoke. The camera was facing away from them,
showing the forest, so George didn't have to worry about the video showing him and Dream. "You okay? You seem
a bit jumpy" Dream stated, George swallowing, and nodding his head. He didn't want to seem like a scaredy cat in
front of Dream, but somehow, he just knew Dream knew he was scared.

    "Hurry up idiots!" Quackity yelled, Dream and George looking up to see Bad and Sapnap following Quackity who
was now holding the camera, walking down the path.

    Dream looked over at George, "stick together?" He said with a smile, making George smile up at him softly,
nodding his head. Dream always knew what to say to make George feel comfortable again. George held his hands
behind himself as he walked slightly behind Dream, letting him clear the way for him. He sort of liked being this
close to Dream, thankful that no one mentioned how George was obviously hiding behind him. Great, they weren't
even at the lake yet and George was already shitting himself.

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