~Chapter 14~

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One major milestone in every kid's life is graduating from high school, but with this milestone comes more hurdles to jump. Students then go from high school to college and stress levels usually rise.

How foolish she must sound right now. Was one of the many thoughts running through her mind at that very moment in her bathroom.

"Only a few more hours then I can go on a nice relaxing vacation." Lavender spoke to herself in the mirror as she prepared to get in the shower. Staring at her complexation for a few more moments she decided to start her shower.

Moving over the bath tub shower she turned on the tap. SHe moved the knob to the far left to get it hot.

Walking away from the tub she started to get out of her clothes. She started by taking off her shirt. Silently she threw it towards the corner of the room. Next, came the pants which she threw in the same direction. As she stood in her bra and underwear she silently looked at herself. Lavender wasn't perfect by any means. Many times she had been teased by her friends about different parts of her body. One of the most common was her bottom. She was proud of it, but sometimes the fact she was almost as flat as a pancake disturbed her. Someone who used to be her best friend teased her relentlessly about it, but later she realized that she was never a good friend to have. They broke contact when her friend moved. At first Lavender was sad, but came to accept the fact that it was for the best.

Snapping out of her reverie she took off the last two pieces of clothing and hopped into the shower.

The water rolled down her body in waves turning her once dry hair wet. Standing there she thought silently about everything and nothing at all. All of a sudden she was overcome with a a burning sensation. Snapping her eyes open she realized that the water was burning her skin. Lavender moved rapidly towards the knob of the shower and moved it towards the middle rather than all the way to the max setting.

Sighing in relief as she started to cool off she moved away from the knob and slid down the wall of her shower.

Lavender sat there silently as the water poured down on her. All she could hear was the sound of the water hitting her or parts of the shower.


After her shower she wrapped herself up in her towel and sat down on the counter of her bathroom as she brushed her hair and parted it to make drying her hair easier.

Drying hair should technically be easy, but when you account for other factors such as hair thickness and how much hair there is. It can be a challenge for the one drying the hair. Lavender always had issues drying her hair. It always took way longer than necessary, but it made her hair look nicer and today was a big day in her life. So, a little extra work wouldn't be too much of a hassle for a big day.

Since she dried her hair she put on her robe and slid on her slippers and walked back to her bedroom with her hair brush.

Turning on her laptop she started to watch one of her favorite shows, "The Motive Behind", and sat on her bed watching it while mindlessly brushing her hair.

After around an episode and a half of the next one she heard five sets of footsteps walking up the stairs of her house and walking down the hall towards her room.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Come in?" Lavender gives permission for them to enter the room. Although most would ask who was behind the door. Lavender had a feeling that it was her friends. This feeling was confirmed when she saw her boyf- fiance, Jackie, Jess, and two of Lucas's friends named Mario and Marcus.

"Wasssup chica!" Mario walks over to her at lightning speed and hugs her.

"Hello Mario. How are you?" Lavender responds with a smile on her face.

"I am good chica! Hey is this "The Motive Behind"!" He finishes with an exclamation.

"Yes, I love the show." She responds as Lucas comes up behind her and hugs her from behind as well as kiss her forehead multiple times.

"What episode is this?" Mario asks as he starts to mess with the laptop to see the episode number. "Oh I see its THIS episode. Pretty brutal around the last few minutes by the way. So fair warning." he warns her.

"Thank you for caring Mario." Lavender replies. She doesn't get long to think before she is pulled into a hug by her best friend, Jackie, who is hugging her and congratulating her on her engagement.

"This is sooooooo exciting! You are getting married!" Jackie lets go of Lavender and she starts to spin around by herself.

"Jacks what are you a Beyblade?" Marcus comments on her spinning. Marcus and Jackie are twins, but they used to have another sibling that made them triplets. Sadly he was kidnapped and wasn't seen again. 

"Shut up both of you!" Jess exclaims walking over to Mario, her boyfriend, who sat on the beanbag chair in the reading nook and then sat on his lap.

"Having fun you two?" Autumn questions as she walks over to her dresser to look in her jewelry box at her pairs of earrings.

"Now which pair? The blue or the opal?" Autumn questioned holding up one piece of each set.

"Well what color is your dress for starters." Mario asks. 

Mario has aspirations of becoming a fashion designer and happens to use his female friends as his models or as he likes to call them. His dolls. 

The girls all actually love that there is someone with a taste in fashion. The fact that he is a guy puts another perspective on it.

"It is a nice teal to contrast the light blue cap and gown. So which one?" 

"I think the opal will look much better with the dress." Mario looks at the earrings with criticality. "But either way you will look stunning. Its a shame you have to cover your head with a cap, but hopefully it is decorated?" He questions her. 

"Yes, my cap is decorated to the brim with references about myself and my interests. What are you my dad? I would never pass up this opportunity to decorate it. I waited twelve years for this!" Lavender finishes her short monologue while her friends give her a knowing look.


"Alright we are going to leave to get ready ourselves don't worry everything will be good." Jess says after a couple hours of them hanging out together.

"Yeah of course see you guys at 4 for the graduation ceremony." Lavender replies.

After she spoke everyone started to get up and said there good byes and left, but Lucas went over to his fiancé and gave her a few....



Hundred kisses all over her face.

"Alright I get it I get it! Now go get ready yourself handsome man." Lavender teases but kisses him a few times as well all over his face.

"I know. But I can't wait to graduate. Don't make me leave. Please?" Lucas trys to beg but Lavender is not to be fooled.

"Go get ready." Lavender starts shoving his towards the door.

Lucas walks out the door looking at her longingly but leaves none the less. 

Starting to get ready Lavender starts moving around her room getting dressed for her graduation. 

She felt excited, but a small piece of her felt such overwhelming dread.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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