~ Chapter 2 ~

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        ~Quote of the day: 'It's never too late to be what you might've been." ―George Eliot~

As I sat in in my math class the world was clashing together. Circles and rectangles combined to form shapes that could only be described as horrific.

All colors were cramming together as I looked at the formula on the board. The red clashed with the blue of the solution. Then the screen went white a bright white.

I took a sip of water nothing, still the same. 

My head was killing me and all of a sudden I started to hear voices. These voices weren't young like my classmates, nor stern like the teachers, these voices were cold a lacked emotion. They sounded like generals.

'Did you find her yet?' One man asked.

'No, she hides from me. Such a clever little....' Another replies. This was familiar but dark, and ruthless. 'I shall find her do not be mistaken ......'

The voices stopped and so did the blaring color changes. The solution and formula were on the board. Everything was normal again. But I had one question. Who were they and who were they searching for?

          "Miss Rodrido if you would please pay attention to the board and stop zoning out maybe you could understand such a simple problem." Mr. Wilson stated with his usual monotone voice. See if you looked around you would see that half of the students are asleep. We tried to get him removed, but he has tenure so they can't fire him.

"Mr. Wilson the colors of the room were clashing together, the formula and solution on the board disappeared, and i have a blaring head ache." I replied giving the best head ache look i can. As soon as the voices stopped all the symptoms left as well.

"I apologize then go to the office if it gets worse." He replied with a nod.

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I replied in a tired voice. The entire class then payed attention to the board any the formulas he was teaching. 


"I can't believe he gave us five pages of homework!" One kid says as we all walk out of the class room.

"I know right and they are all due tomorrow. I have a basketball game in San Ramon how the fu-" a kid started saying before Mr. Wilson stepped in.

    "Vanessa maybe you should do your work on the way there that way you don't  have to stay up late. Remember I no longer accept late work from you." He stated and walked away silently.

     See this was the perk of being the socially popular yet unpopular kid. You don't gossip, but you get to hear the gossip. Oh the joys of it. I've learned things that I then can blackmail people with. I have done it once and for good reason. 


"Oi loser do my homework or else the thing your saving for your MaRi won't be his anymore" My so called bully, James, said in a mocking yet threatening tone.(husband)

"Je suis desole pour ta femme."(I am sorry for your wife)I said. Even though he isn't married just to his future wife. He being James had slept with half of our graduating class in four years. Our class has 367 students. Ask any of the girls they will tell you how they feel about him.

"The fuck did you say french lady." James looked pissed. His mom was French which is why I look at him in astonishment. 

"You do realize your mom is french right? Which means you are french." I stated with sass.

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