~Chapter 11~

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Heavy breathing was all that could be heard. My hard heavy breathes. I was running through the forest being chased by something. Did I remember what I was running from no. I only caught a glimpse of the thing or things.

I was running like I had no choice. My brain was split in two parts. One side wanted to stay and let whatever or whoever to find me. The other part wanted to run as far away as possible. Maybe even kill myself if I had to to get away from it.

I ran. How fast am I even going? Am I running at my normal pace? Why haven't I run out of breath yet? 

My heart pounded in my chest as I ran closer to what I had hoped was freedom. 

It wasn't......

Wolves of all colors surrounded me on all sides cutting me off. 

They moved closer and closer trying to keep me contained within their circle. Every time I moved towards an opening they closed that way off. There was no escape.There was no sign they wanted to eat me just stop me from moving any further. They made a brown to black barrier.

"Lavender you can't run forever. You would do well to know this." It was Bipo he caused this nightmare. "No matter where you are I will find you. No matter how hard you try to avoid me I will catch you." He turned me around to look at him. It was the first time I ever saw him. He stood a solid foot and a half or more taller than I am. His chocolate eyes with hints of gold teased me as they raked my figure. His hair created a shadow that hid the rest of his face except his eyes and lips. His posture dared me to try and run. 

I refused to let him catch me so I turned and ran straight through the wolves. It is a dream or nightmare. It is in my Conscience meaning I can control this. He may have started this, but I will end it.

I ran again just like at the beginning of the nightmare, but I tripped. The ground opened up to swallow me whole, but just before I fell he grabbed me.

Holding my arm in his gripping it tightly he said these words: "I will find you and that boyfriend of yours and I will make him regret even thinking about you in such a way."

He let go. I started falling again. I could see him stand there with his eye glinting with malice and adoration. Two very opposite feelings both hidden in his eyes.

   My body shot up from the fall. I woke up in a cold sweat. Throwing the sheets off me as if they were made of fire. My heart pounded in my chest as I thought over the dream. Bipo couldn't be real. He never is and never was and never will be. I would do well to remember that. 

But why is my body shaking then?

I looked to the bed to find Lucas not there. Where is he?

Lets see his bag was still in the room and i was neatly tucked in bed with Bonbon.......

Is he downstairs? 

Walking out of my room and down the stairs I could hear voices. Three to be exact. My mom, dad, and boyfriend. 

I crept down quietly and swiftly and listened in on their conversation which seemed to be ending.

"You have our blessing Lucas don't worry she will love it." My dad said.

"Thank you so much for everything." Lucas responded.

"What are you three up to?" I inquired them trying to get answers while giving them my detective look.

"Oh nothing just planning something that you may or may not like." Lucas taunted me me with a knowing and loving smile.

"I will find out and if I don't like it you all will pay." I said as I walked over to Lucas.

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