~Chapter 4~

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The Lady of Justice

After the rampage of the beasts the humans did anything and everything to survive burning down forests and stealing from neighbors. 

But out of this came a girl. A girl who thirsted for justice for her people. She was the age of fourteen when her virtue ascended from aura to power. 

She started by punishing the wrong. She quickly rose to power and stopped most of the crime in her town. She went from being a poor towns girl to being the leader of a nation in a span of six years.

"Come let us lead the beasts by example!" Was her motto. She became the ultimate leader, but not every tale ends in a happy ending.

Ten years after the start of her reign she met a man. To her she was the most beautiful man in the universe and the entire world.  They got married and had children. 

They had seven beautiful children, but these children held no honor. 

They all took after their father who then revealed his true motive. He was a beast who manipulated her for her body and soul. He claimed they were soulmates bound together by the moon. And to her he polluted her kids who would forever walk the earth as half beast and half human.

She did what she thought was right. She locked her kids away in towers away from the kingdoms of the world. 

But for her husband.....

She burned him at the stake and watched as he died and suffered.

She became a tyrant after that. 

She still had her virtue of justice though so she continued to rule. Until one of her children wanted to avenge their father. The child portrayed the virtue of courage for he stood up to his mother and killed her taking his place on the throne.

    Ending her legacy.....


Really she fell in love then killed him as soon as he showed his true face. What a cliche story! 

Women claim to be the good guys in some stories when we are just as bad of people and are just as susceptible to corruption and fear. Now to annotate and study the chapter on this so called 'Fair Lady'. How is she fair if she executed her husband.

He probably knew the history between humans and beasts but loved her regardless I wish someone would love me like that.



I pulled out my phone in record time and texted Lucas some of the most important words I think I'll ever say....

'How much are you willing to love me?'

 I texted. 

The definition of love is sacrificial love and it does not boast, envy. You can be jealous just not to the point of wanting to destroy someone. 

I waited....

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