~Chapter 7~

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Some people live the life that was given......

~present time Monday, May 1st~

"Hey Lavender I got a B on my Geometry test I'm so happy that test was a piece of shit." Ben my lab partner says. I have been tutoring him for the past two years on the side along with ten other students. 

"Thats awesome! Geometry sucks!" I reply and hug Ben.

"I know right I can finally not have to do summer school. Thank you so much." Ben responds to my hug.

Some people just get by......

~April of Senior year~

"Congrats! That is a great improvement from an F to a C maybe by the end of the year you will have a B-." I said to my student.

"I Wish! But thank do much for your help Lavender. I couldn't have done it without you." Lily said with tears in her brown eyes.

Some people never learned how to be driven 

~May of Senior Year~

"But its the main test of the year. You might fail if you don't get a high enough score!" I urged Scott to do his final essay for his english class.

"Lavender its fine as long as I turn it in I get at least a D. That works for me." Scott starts packing up his bags and leans back in his chair once he is done.

"I don't understand some of you people." I respond.

Some people don't even try 

"You do realize you will most likely repeat senior year right?"

"Nah the state has to pass me so I'll do their stupid summer school." Larken took a deep breath and just put his head down to sleep. 

"Fine I won't bother wasting my time then."

But some people know what their heart desires 

~March of Senior Year~

"Hey Lavender does this sound good." Mary or as I like to call her the future author or the world asks me to look over some prompts.

"They all look great." I smile and hand them back to her she respond with a thanks and leave happily.

Some people lead with a passionate fire 

"Guys the ribbon is hanging the wrong way! Ugh! You just can't find good help anywhere." Julia the leader of the committee at school was trying to set up the venue for prom, but the help hired sucked.

"What if I help?" I offered.

"Yes please." Julia begged me.

"Boys! Please move the right side of the ribbon up two feet."

"Is it good ma'am?" One of the boys I believe his name is Konner.

"Yes, thank you." I nod at them and turn to Julia. "Well I have home work to do enjoy."

"Thank you Lavender." Julia says and then gets back to her job.

And some people know that they're destined To fly

"Lavender I'm going to be in the air force as soon as we graduate!" Zach told me. Zach had been struggling to figure out what he wanted to do. He finally found his purpose.

The Fair LadyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ