~Chapter 6~

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"Lavender are you ok? You haven't been the same since Thursday." Jess questioned as she braided my hair.

"I'm fine don't worry, Plus we only have two weeks before we are on opposite sides of the country." I pointed out. 

"Thats true." Jess smiled and suddenly started to giggle.

"What?" I looked at her in the mirror with curiosity. Her eyes were light up in light humor.

"We have two weeks before you and your boyfriend are seven hours away by drive." She giggled and pointed out. "How are you guys gonna do that?"

"I don't explain why you and James who is Russian can date from different countries." I accused her with a light tease.

"Touché. touché." she replied before going back to braiding my hair. 

It was a tradition since freshman year that me and some of my friends and I get together on Saturday and have a sleepover once a month, but this year I have been obsessed with getting valedictorian so we didn't hang out as much.

"So Lavender who is more attractive Lucas or Eren Yeager." Jess inquired with a smirk.

"Lucas obviously."

"How about Lucas versus my Uncle."

"Ewwwwww! Your uncle is nasty!" I exclaimed.

You see most of our uncles fall into three categories. Number one the cool uncle. This uncle sneaks anything and everything to you even if your parents don't want you to. Number two the favorite of the siblings or the show off uncle. This uncle does everything to make  your parents (mainly fathers) look like idiots. And number three the anything but good uncle. Most of the time have an alcohol and smoking problem and probably absolutely hate you or love you. Some times they are fat just read Harry Potter. No shame though I can't talk I've been eating to many Swiss rolls lately.

"Oh come on he isn't that bad-" I sent her one look to shut up and see my point. "Ok fine he is kind of bad especially towards you." 

"He shouldn't even be around us period." I pointed out. You see her uncle falls under number three. He is a pedophile sadly and a alcoholic. When I was 14 when I met him for the first time he sexually assaulted or abused me if either ones the correct term. I was sitting down and he was getting touchy touchy with me. I didn't know at first that was what he was doing, but luckily Marc, Jess's dad, came to save the day just in time. Jess told me what her uncle was doing and I broke down. I didn't sleep at their house for a year and a half. 

"Yeah him trying to get in bed with me was sooooo fun." I said sarcastically as she was finishing up the braid.

"Alright your turn to braid my hair missy." She started to shove me out of the chair which didn't exactly work as I was on an office rolling chair.

"WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" I acted like a five year old one of the quarter or dollar mini rides in front of a 99 cent store, but in reality I moved like five feet.

"You are an idiot." Jess comments.

"But this idiot is your friend therefore you are an idiot for being friends with me which concludes that both of us are idiots." I used my snobby scholar nerd voice while saying this with some snot inhales.

"You make a fine point." She says in a snobby rich person voice.

"Of course I do." I give her s cheeky smile as I get off the chair. "Madam." I hold the chair out for her and bend over as I say madam in a french accent.

"Thank you peasant." She said popping the p. That means she made a loud puh! Sound. 

"Of course my lady." I said with this weird face and said in a childish creepy voice.

"You shall braid my hair in a fish braid." She closed her eyes and straightened her back and spine. I quickly got to work by brushing her hair out. I made quick work braiding her hair. I interwove strands upon stands of hair until it was like I was hypnotized and in a trance.

"She practically rejected me!"

I hear his voice.

"I will win her over."


"She will have no choice but to love me not that boy of a man."

What defines a man? What defines a women?

"Humans are stupid they don't look at the bigger picture."

I can't disagree or comment.

"When I find her she will be the balance to my kingdom."

Once again. Who?!

"She is light reflecting off the moon. Yet she hides behind that boy she calls her sun."

Is he jealous or a yandere?

"I'm coming for you Lavender and you won't be able to hide because I know you can hear me."

Laughing thats now all I could hear his psychotic evil laugh that will haunt my dreams.


'Kill her.'

"Lavender are you ok?"

'She will betray you.'


I looked up at her I just now realized I am on the floor with tears rolling down my face as I seemed to be rocking on the floor. I just looked at her a cried more. My face screwing up as more tears flew down my cheeks. She opened her arms to me and I accepted the comfort leaning in. 

We had been rocking for awhile when she asked:

"What is wrong that's never happened before?" She looks at me with concern.

"Would you believe me if I said I think my brain made up a psychotic man that is 'in love' with me and wants to harm everyone I love through me?" I was back to crying my eyes out again at this point. 

Everything hurt. My brain. My heart. My lungs. My arms. My eyes. My organs that wanted to rest for the first time in years.

"Maybe you should get a therapist." She suggested.

"A therapist would just put me on drugs or affirm me and say I have a mental disorder most likely. If anything its probably caused by stress." It was at this moment I realized I over worked my self to the max.

"How about we get some sleep? Yeah?"

"That sounds nice." 


"That sounds nice." I smiled for the first time since the attack.

11:38 p.m. that why I am so tired then.

"Come on lazy butt it is time to sleep." Jess called me over to the bed patting the spot next to her.

We had always slept in the same bed. Why? Cause we felt closer as sisters that way. Jess always made things better, but he stood their at the back of my mind and in the depths of my dreams.


Hello my dear readers! Bonjour! I have officially posted the french version of this book. It is called La Belle Dame exact same story line just in french if you speak french better spanish will come out next with its book possible soon should I do it?

What do think Bipo is going to do to Lavender? :O

I love being an author. :p

-LuckyOlives <3

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