~Chapter 9~

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  I could still see Cain his mouth was moving, but no words were audible to my ears. 

My vision? Bipo's vision? Was going in and out of focus I was getting pulled back into a form of darkness.

"Don't worry you will understand when we meet mate."

I could him from behind me as if we were real people. I could feel the heat from his breath. He grabbed my shoulder and I started to fall but he caught me and saw him for the first time. 

And i only got a glimpse of him and his golden chocolate brown eyes.

   Bipo obviously isn't his real name, but whenever someone says it.....

Oh I get it! Someone or something controls what we here or say. Its like a big game of guess who. Like when an author refuses to reveal the plot so they hint at it. 

So we ask questions to figure out who he is or I can just go get a therapist. Nope!

"Now as you all know we a shortly less then two weeks away from you graduation. Next week you all will perform your senior pranks, gifts, final goodbyes. And the ever famous staff versus seniors basketball and football games." My homeroom teacher finishes and the guys in the class start cheering. "And then you will all graduate on the next Monday and our valedictorian will give her speech and then you all will be off to college. I am proud of you all for making it this far. Even though our says we can't fail any students. I am talking to you Brian." The teacher takes a jab at Brian who makes an embarrassed disgruntled noise. "Now remember you need to finish out the year strong so get in all your unfinished work by the end of Friday."

    We spent the rest of our remaining class time finishing up our work and talking with each other. Most people were talking about which college they were going to. 

"Yeah well I am going to Harvard!"

"So? You might come out of there dumber than when you went in. I am going out of country for college."

Similar discussions could be heard across the class room.

The bell rung at exactly 1:45 p.m. We are on schedule today.

"Hey Lavender!" A girl says as I walk by.

"Hello Lavie!" A group of girls aka the popular girls says to me as i walk to my next period. 

"Sup Lavender!" "Hi Jacob." 

This was routine its my form of normal in this world. 


His voice I could hear his voice.

"What is your name?"

I have the same question Bipo......

I snapped out of my trance realizing I was in my seat in my History of Medicine and Drugs. How did I get here? Did He take control?

"Alright class its time for your final quiz of the year. Today we will be answering who the worst doctors were in history and why? You have forty minutes starting now.

Okay Dr. such and such did this. She did that. He did this. She did that. And the worst of them all is................. her for making a drug that can kill the baby without the mother's knowledge. 

'It is not a form of birth control, but was introduced as a maternal vitamin.' Etc. Etc. And? 


With ten minutes left. 

I walked up to the teacher and gave her my test and walked back to my seat.

I wonder what Bipo's real name is. Maybe its George or Hamilton? 

Wait who even names their kids Hamilton in the first place.



"15!" Bipo's voice cuts through the noise

That is the day I graduate high school? How would he know that date? Can he see my room?

"Yes, we will attack on that day." His voice cuts through again.


"The ..... army is ready. She will be in your hands in just a few weeks." The voice of Cain cut through my head.

"Good we will be swift the ....... won't know what hit them." Bipo's voice confirmed with him.

"Is She cutting through?" Cain asked Bipo.

"Yes, but I am letting her hear. After all I could push her out if I wanted, but she doesn't know how to control any of this." Bipo sounded quite smug at the fact I was helpless against him.

"Later little one I will see you soon......"

"Miss Rodrido class ended a couple minutes ago. You normally don't sleep are you ok?" My teacher asked me.

"Yes of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I sounded so nervous and stressed. 'Shoot she must think something is up.

"Its ok to be not fine you know that right." My teacher confirmed.

"I know."

"Good now get out of my class. I don't want to see you till Friday."

"Aye aye." I got up and ran out of the classroom. 

It is currently 2:35 p.m. which means school is over unless you have sports. Which I don't! ('Hahaha!')

I walked out to my car and turned it on. I have my mom's old Toyota which is twelve years and in my favorite and the best color in the universe blue.

Peace can dirty like water into wine
Baptized and brought to light
I'll make them see you're a witch in disguise

Yup Trickle love your covers but I wanna listen to something more sophisticated.

How about some more classical music? It might help focus and keep Him out.


Hello readers! Tis I Lucky Olives. I now have a planned ending to this book. When I started I had an idea and now I have a formal plan. Anything in bold and italics is important to the story or semi important to character development. It may not even be in this book that you see it. 👀 After Chapter 15 is published a total of three books will be in the works as off pieces of this book. Technically this is a prologue but who cares.

Seems like Bipo is hinting at something I wonder what it is?

Eat. Drink. Work. School. Swim. Sleep. Repeat.

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