~Chapter 13~

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Lavender woke up next to Lucas the next morning bundled up under the covers with him cuddling. 

As she was staring at him the sun hit his face framing it nicely. His skin was comparable to that of warm chocolate. Which gave Lavender a large craving for some chocolate. 

As if feeling the eyes on his face Lucas woke up slowly. Groaning slightly as the sun hit his face he brought one hand up to his face to rub his eyes. 

Looking down at Lavender to see her awake he smiled gently and spoke, "Good morn...ing-" he yawns starting to stretch out a bit more, "Lavender." 

"Good morning Lucas" Lavender says smiling up at him.

The newly engaged couple couldn't help but smile at each other and bask in each others presence. After a few more minutes Lucas gets up and heads towards the bathroom and turns to Lavender and says, "I am going to take a shower real quick. Are you fine with that?" 

"Yes of course, the towels are under the sink if you need them." Lavender responds grabbing some of the blankets while leaning on one arm with her head peeping out the top. 

The two of them were shamelessly flirting with their eyes teasing each other silently. She would look him up and down and it return he would look at the semi visible curves of his fiancé hidden under the covers.

"Alright I will go shower. Geez woman!" Lucas finally relented under Lavender's teasing glare. 

Lavender's eyes soften and slightly filled with tears as she fell backwards on the bed giggling. These weren't sad tears but happy ones. She now felt she had a man to spend the rest of her life with. 

Lying back in bed she threw her arms over her eyes and couldn't help but giggle and hold her left arm up to look at the ring. It held her birth stone. She didn't want diamonds she just wanted something that had meaning. The ring was silver with sapphire in the middle and alexandrite around it. It held both her and Lucas' birth stones. A perfect memento of their relationship.

Lavender sighed and started to get out of bed. She quickly stretched herself out and started to walk towards her dresser, but as she passed her mirror she saw someone sitting on her bed. Startled she jumped back while looking into the mirror. 

The man was sitting on her bed seemingly observing her as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Twirling around to face the man Lavender was not met with the sight of the man on the bed but in front of her. He looked down at her. 

"Bipo?" Lavender started quietly. She was terrified of the fact that this man was standing in front of her he stood what seemed a good foot if not two taller than her.

"Yes, sort of. My name isn't Beee-poo it is Aamon." Bipo, no, Aamon corrected. 

"Aamon?" she questioned.

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