~Chapter 12~

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Six days till graduation. 

Six days until the day Bipo is supposed to take over. 

Six days of pure torture.

Living in the present is imposible when you feel like you are hallucinating. 

But friends and family take away the torture even if only for a moment. 

"After all we are just actors on a stage playing a magnificent play for those above to laugh and mock. Tears are futile and cause nothing but confusion so heed thes-"

"That is enough Ms. Rodrido thank you for reading. Now you all will have a five paragraph essay over one of the heroes in the book." Our English teacher told the class and smiled as soon as she heard her class groan at the sound of an essay. 

"Come on Ma'am we have less than a week left of school." One student from the back of the class said.

"Fine! This essay will now be one paragraph longer than seven sentences. You are seniors therefore the normal five to six won't be enough. You will write about your favorite portion of the book and tell me why. Sound easy enough." She finished looking around to see her students nodding looking relieved at the less work.

"Thank Ma'am!" The entire class shouted. 

Shortly after the bell rang.

"Students don't forget to be dressed up well for graduation, also don't forget to have fun!" The teacher was telling her students as they ran from her class.

"Have a good day ma'am!" Lavender politely said to her teacher.

"Au revoir mademoiselle Rodrido." Her teacher responded.

"Et vous Madame." Lavender responded as she walking out of the classroom rushing to her next class of the day.


The day went by fast everything is almost done. Her school is mostly completed minus some new assignments from the day. She now has five days till graduation, but the day wasn't over yet. She has a date with her boyfriend.

Her lovely boyfriend who was trying his hardest to keep a secret from her.

Everyone was in on it

but her....

At exactly 6 o'clock in the evening Lucas Sovereign picked up his girlfriend Lavender Rodrido to take her to her favorite restaurant. 

Their restaurant the one they met at.

They had their first kiss there.

And this was where he wanted to make things final.

"Wow~" Lavender said looking in awe at the table before her. The table was decorated with her favorite candle scent, the lights were dimmed to give the room a soft pink lemonade hue. Rose petals of red, white, and pink were scattered around the room. The table was perfect in her eyes.

"Come on love lets go sit down." Lucas said gently nudging her towards the table.

As he lead her towards the table her hearted started beating faster. 

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