Rosalie cut Bella's stomach open as Jacob stood by them watching, he kept a close eye on Bella and Anna; both twins looked worse for wear. Bella screamed from the pain while Rosalie became distracted by the blood on her hands but before she could consume the blood, a force hit her and sent her out of the room protecting both Bella and Rose. "Save her! You've got to change her!" Jacob ordered Edward as he noticed Anna growing pale, black blood dripping from her nose. "I can't, not whilst she's still in there. I got to get her out first," Edward told Jacob, he wouldn't let his daughter die; he refused to knowing the twins would never forgive him nor would he forgive himself.

"Stay focused, Bella. Keep your heart beating. Work with Anna, together," Jacob told Bella who tried her hardest to stay awake, her twins extra energy was helping her immensely but she could feel the pain seeping from her into Anna who was beginning to wince as black blood dripped from her eyes. "No! She's suffocating!" Bella warned Edward who began to rip into the embryonic sac with his teeth causing Bella to scream out in pain. Edward finally manages to reach the baby, he pulls her out and smiles down at the sight of her. "She's beautiful," Bella said as she looked up at her daughter as Edward placed her in Bella's arms.

Renesmee lightly bit Bella's finger pulling Bella from her dazed look, Edward takes Renesmee back as Anna suddenly collapsed prompting Jacob to catch her head before she hit the ground. Bella's last breath leaves her lips as Anna seems to go still, Jacob looks between the twins with fear in his eyes. "Bella! Bella!" Jacob called out uselessly. Jacob attempted to give Bella CPR while Edward tried to get Jacob to take Renesmee but Jacob refused not wanting to touch the baby that killed his best friend. "Edward. I'll take her. I promise I'll be okay. Let me," Rosalie assured Edward knowing she'd be okay, Edward hands his daughter over to his sister who leaves the room.

Alice moved toward Anna and pulled her aside as Edward took a syringe filled with his venom and stuck it in Bella's chest, injecting her with his venom. However, it seems that the venom doesn't respond making Edward's eyes widen in fear. "You're okay. Come on. It's supposed to be working," Edward said as he continued to give her CPR. "I won't kill you. That'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this," Jacob sneered at Edward who refused to give up on his wife, Jacob left the room with tears in his eyes. "You're not dead. You're not dead. Come on! No, it will work," Edward pleaded as he bit into her wrists and ankles hoping that more venom will help her survive.

"It will work. Please, please, please, please. Come back to me, please, baby. Bella, Bella, please, please," Edward continued to plead hoping she would open her eyes, his pleas go unanswered but what he doesn't realise in his constant words is the sudden thump that echoed from Bella's chest followed by another two sending the venom through her body before it stopped. Anna gasps awake as she feels the presence of the pack, her eyes overlap grey as she pushes away from Alice and rushes outside to sneer at Sam. "I warned you," Anna snapped with a look that sent shivers down their spines. "She's gone, isn't she?" Seth asked from where he stood with Leah.

"Until the venom brings her back," Anna replied to them with such certainty that they had to trust her words. Edward walks outside with Alice by his side, the two stand on either side of Anna ready to fight if they need too. "Are you really going to fight me, Sam?" Anna asked him with he scowl present, almost tempting the Alpha to make a move so she could put them in their place. Despite the pain in his chest, Sam stepped forward ready to pounce when Jacob rushed out and stood in front of Anna. "Stop! It's over! If you kill her, you kill me!" Jacob snapped at the pack. "Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law," Edward voiced.

"You won't touch my niece," Jacob threatened with Anna standing by his side, the two ready to protect their niece. Sam growled lightly before he and the pack turned away, Paul stared at his imprint a moment longer before following the pack back to the Reservation. Carlisle approached them upon the pack leaving, Anna stumbled on her feet before she collapsed prompting Jasper to rush towards her and picked her up in his arms. "She's exhausted. She needs to rest," Carlisle reassured his son, Jasper nodded at his father before heading into the house. Edward went to clean himself up as Esme and Alice worked to clean up Bella after Carlisle stitched her up to help the healing process from the venom.

Jasper brushed his fingers through Anna's hair as he watched her chest rise and fall, he had already cleaned her up and changed her into one of his shirts. Anna hadn't woken since she collapsed but Carlisle had already checked her over and chalked it up to exhaustion from energy sharing with Bella to keep her heart beating. Edward, however, was watching Bella carefully as Carlisle approached his son. "She shouldn't be this still," Edward told his father. "It's the morphine," Carlisle assured Edward having full faith that Bella would survive. "Maybe I was too late," Edward replied to Carlise who shook his head. "No, Edward. Listen to her heart," Carlisle told him as a sudden yet unhealthy slow beat hit.

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Meanwhile, Bianca walks towards the throne room where Aro, Marcus and Caius sit peacefully. She approaches Aro and hands him a letter with a polite smile. "Oh, it's from Carlisle. Which is spelt with an S, sweet Bianca," Aro spoke before motioning for his guards who appear on either side of Bianca. "He's added two new members," Aro said after reading the letter informing him that both Bella and Anna have gone through the transition. "Ah," Marcus acknowledges while Caius is uneased by Aro's smile. "It seems that Annabeth survived her transition into a hybrid," Aro stated glancing at Caius who remained unphased by the news.

"Increasing their power," Caius replied despite being happy about Anna surviving the turn, he had hope that she would make it through. He knew that Magnolia would have helped from the other side to prove that. Suddenly Aro's guards drag Bianca away as she screams, Aro's sadistic smile rested on his face as he stepped closer to his brothers. "First it's the spelling, then the grammer," Aro mocked Bianca's writing clearly glad the woman was being eaten. "At least our dispute with the Cullens are over," Marcus says after taking the note from Aro. "Over?" Aro questioned recieving a hum from Marcus.

"Goodness, no. Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human and a witch," Aro told his brother. "And what might it be?" Caius asked trying to play off his true concerns. "Why, brother, I thought you understood," Aro said as he turned to look at Caius who raised a brow towards his brother. "They have something I want," Aro added with a sick smile on his face, Caius knew that nothing good would come from Aro's decisions. He couldn't warn the Cullens, he'd risk the life of his mate attempting to warn Anna of Aro's decision. Caius could only hope that the blonde will be prepared to face whatever Aro tries to do, she was the only one strong enough to dethrone Aro; And so Aro would want her dead first.

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Rosemary Speaks

Holy hell... what a chapter!
And a little insight to the Volturi.
Bless Caius. (I love Jamie)

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on Caius' thoughts?

Thoughts on Anna overpowering the pack?

Also, yes... Jacob will only view Renesmee as his niece in my book and nothing more. But don't worry, Jacob will have a significant other soon.

P.S: I may have just realised that I saved Bree but haven't had her in the book. So for the sake of continuity, Bree returned to her parents with Anna's help; she told Bree's parents the truth and after Rosalie taught her control, they allowed Bree to spend as much time with her parents as she could.

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