2.9 | Volterra, Italy

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Anna jumped out of Alice's car once they reached the airport, she grabbed Bella's hand and followed Alice towards the desk. After Jacob tried to convince the twins to stay, they knew better than that, they had left with Alice to save Edward from killing himself. Anna knew she needed to be there should the Volturi try something with Bella and potentially beat the crap out of Edward for being so damn stupid. Anna could feel Bella's nerves, she knew that Bella would never be the same if Edward died believing she was gone and so she had to push away her own feelings and help her older sister.

"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked Alice as a distraction. "We figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto," Alice spoke on behalf of herself and Anna. "Not today," Bella muttered while Alice became dazed. "What? What do you see?" Bella asked her while Anna leaned forward. "They refused him," Alice answered her. "So?" Anna asked Alice knowing that Edward wouldn't stop there. "He's gonna make a scene. Show himself to the humans," Alice answered Bella who immediately felt panicked. "No! When?" Bella asked her, biting down on her lip.

"He's gonna wait until noon when the sun's at its highest," Alice answered her causing Anna to sigh. "Dramatic vampires..." Anna muttered to herself while Bella anxiously ran her fingers through her hair. "God, Alice, you got to hurry up," Bella told their driver. "Geez Bella, any faster and you and I would be dead in the crash," Anna said before looking at the window, in any other situation, she would be excited about being in Italy. "There's Volterra," Alice told them, Bella and Anna looked out to the crowds of people dressed in red making Anna roll her eyes.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Bella asked Alice as she looked around at everyone. "San Marco's Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city," Alice answered her. "Irony..." Anna whispered as she brushed her fingers through her hair. "It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself," Alice continued only making Bella panic more than before. "We have five minutes," Bella warned her as Alice continued honking to get everyone out of the way. "Alice!" Bella called as the car came to a stop with no more road to follow.

"Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming. If Anna or I go, he'll read our thoughts. He'll think we're lying, he'll rush into it," Alice told her truthfully. "Where do I go?" Bella asked her in a rushed tone. "He'll be under the clock tower. Go!" Alice told her, the brunette Swan slammed the door shut and ran off into the crowd. Anna moved into the front seat and let out a slow breath before looking at Alice, "What do we do?" Alice backed the car up and turned down another road, "We find another way." Anna nodded before leaning back in her seat, her leg was bouncing anxiously hoping that Bella made it.

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Anna followed Alice as they stepped into the building interrupting the group within the doors. "Come on, guys. It's a festival, you wouldn't want to make a scene," Alice told them but the shorter male's eyes were locked on Anna. "We wouldn't," The taller one spoke. "Enough," A woman spoke as she walked around the corner, removing her hood to reveal blonde hair and blood-red eyes. "Jane," Edward greeted while Anna stood with Alice, who gave Anna a look of worry before focusing ahead. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long," Jane spoke with a tone of authority.

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