2.2 | Control Is Overrated

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Anna stood next to Bella's locker at the end of the day, both respective boyfriends were nowhere in sight but they didn't mind. "So, how are you really feeling about the party tonight?" Anna asked Bella with a smirk on her face. "I don't know, Anna. I mean, it's sweet but you know how I feel about birthdays," Bella answered Anna before closing her locker, she leaned back against it. "Well, I have a feeling that things will change tonight," Anna told Bella as she linked their arms together.

"And is that change good or bad?" Bella asked her twin sister. "I'm not sure yet. You know me and these strange feelings, they are fairly vague," Anna reminded Bella who nodded in agreement. "And come on, you may hate the idea of being older than Edward ─ despite the technical age difference ─ but you should enjoy it while you can if you truly want to change," Anna told Bella as they walked out to the parking lot.

"You have a point there. Has Jasper?" Bella asked Anna who smiled widely. "After graduation for certain, but when I turn nineteen definitely," Anna answered before turning the ring on her finger. "That's beautiful," Bella told her as she grabbed Anna's hand and looked down at the ring on her finger. "Jasper's gift to me as a promise. He told me that it belonged to his mother," Anna explained with a light blush on her cheeks and a smile of adoration on her face.

"He really loves you," Bella said with a smile, she was happy to Anna. "And I really love him," Anna replied to Bella before they stopped by the truck. "Well, I got a bike to ride," Anna told Bella before hugging her. "See you at home," Bella told Anna who pulled a helmet onto her head. She swung her leg over the bike and kickstarted it, the engine purred bringing a smile to Anna's face. It had been too long since Anna had been on a bike and she hadn't realised how much she missed it until she soared out of the parking lot.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Anna added the final touches to her outfit, the new earrings from Alice fit nicely with the maroon dress she wore. She slipped on some black felt heels before making her way downstairs where Jasper stood waiting for her in dark jeans and a buttoned up shirt, his eyes were focused purely on her like she was the only person in the world that mattered. Her heart skipped a beat at the look on his face before a thought raced across her mind startling her; You look ravishing, darlin'.

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