2.1 | Birthday Promises

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

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"It was a nightmare, Bella. You need to relax," Anna told her sister as she finished up her hair ─ Bella had told Anna about her dream in regards to growing old while Edward didn't age which happens to be Bella's fear. "What do I do?" Bella asked Anna as she laid back against Anna's bed with a sigh. "Tell Edward what you dreamt about then move forward. There is no point in letting your mind drown you in what-ifs," Anna advised her before grabbing her phone off the charger.

"Now, it's our eighteenth birthday not our eightieth, so you need to relax," Anna told Bella as she pushed her out of the room and towards the stairs. "Anna... I think gravity is calling me," Bella dramatically spoke causing Anna's eyes to widen. "Don't you dare!" Anna shouted as Bella leaned back letting her weight fall against Anna until they both fell to the floor. "Why are you like this?" Anna muttered out to her sister while Charlie laughed.

Anna and Bella made it downstairs where Charlie stood by the table ─ sitting on the table were a few gifts that made Anna smile while Bella frowned. "Happy birthday girls," Charlie told them with a smile on his face. "I thought we agreed to no presents," Bella muttered out to him while Anna sat down and bit into an apple. "Well, the ones from me aren't wrapped, so it doesn't count," Charlie defended as Anna smiled at the new book ─ Pride And Prejudice.

"Thanks, dad!" Anna cheered with a smile before placing her new book into her bag, the twins smiled at each other as Bella held up the camera. "It goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated. Well, she coordinated me," Charlie told them as Bella unwrapped the gift from their mother. Anna smiled at her gift, a new journal that had a small pocket for a photo to go. "It's to put your pictures in from Senior year," Charlie explained to Bella while the twins cringed.

Neither of them could believe they were eighteen and seniors, it still felt surreal to the two of them even with everything that has happened. "Senior year..." Charlie breathed out. "How'd you two get so old so fast?" Charlie asked causing Anna to laugh while Bella panicked. "I didn't. It's not that old," Bella defended quickly. "I don't know. Is that a grey hair?" Charlie asked as he leaned in closer causing Bella to rush to a mirror.

"Nice one, Dad," Anna told Charlie who laughed. "That's really funny," Bella replied to Charlie sarcastically. "Come on, Bells. You gotta relax," Anna told her sister before kissing Charlie's cheek and heading out to the car. "It's not funny, Anna," Bella scolded softly but Anna just laughed at Bella as they got into the red ute. "Another missing hiker brings the total to three presumed dead. Rangers are searching for the killer animal─" The radio announcer spoke before Anna changed the channel.

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"Trouble!" Tyler called out as Anna climbed out of the car, she smiled at her best friend as Eric, Angela, Mike and Jessica approached Bella. "Today's the big day, Bella," Jessica told Bella causing her to freeze while Anna rolled her eyes. "A and J essay due," Jessica added which relaxed Bella. "Happy birthday," Tyler told Anna before handing her a small gift bag, she smiled up at him before pulling out a small velvet box. She opened it to reveal a silver bracelet with "T" and "A" charms.

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