4.2 | Peaceful Days

Start from the beginning

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Anna smiled as she leaned back against her car, she watched as the pack walked out of Sam's place before she whistled gaining their attention. "Anna!" Seth cheered before the young boy rushed over and wrapped his arms around the blonde. "Hey Pup," Anna greeted as she hugged the boy back, she smiled fondly as he leaned back from her arms. "Sam says that I'm getting better at control. He believes I'm better than Paul and Jared!" Seth told her happily, Anna laughed as both mentioned wolves glared at him. "You're done for," Jared said causing Seth's eyes to widen. "Not again!" Seth shouted before he ran off with Jared chasing him.

"What are you doing here?" Paul asked as he walked up to her, he wrapped his arms around her and smiled as she rested her head against his chest. "Wanted to see my brother," Anna told him with a smile, she always felt safe in Paul's embrace; not safer than Jasper's hold but very close. "Well, it's good to see you. It's been a while since we've had you to ourselves," Paul teased knowing why Jasper was extra protective of Anna, ever since her death, everyone had been more cautious about leaving Anna alone. "Yeah well, he's out with Colton and Emmett so I thought while he's spending time with his brothers, I'd come to see mine," Anna told him before Paul lead her over to the house.

"Good to see you, Anna," Emily greeted before hugging Anna with no hesitation though Anna noticed the worry in Sam's eyes. "Don't worry Sam. I'm well fed in both mountain lion and Esme's delicious cooking," Anna assured the Alpha of the pack, he nodded his head while Embry and Quil perked up. "So you still eat human food?" Embry asked as he leaned against the counter with a smirk. "Yes, I do. But I still need to fed occasionally. Less than the others but it's still needed to make sure I don't grow too weak. My grandmother's worried that no blood would result in me dying or worse," Anna explained as she leaned against the counter.

"What's worse than you dying? 'Cause from my perspective, your death just about broke everyone in this town," Quil stated with a raised brow. "If I go without blood for too long, my grandmother believes that I would crave it so much that I'd kill anything that pumps blood through its systems," Anna answered him with fearful eyes, it was clear to all of them that she didn't want to risk that. "Well, let's just hope Thumper and Bambi don't choose another forest to live in then," Embry teased making Anna roll her eyes and laugh. "Thanks, Embry," Anna replied sarcastically while the others laughed along. Anna was beyond happy that the pack still accepted and adored her because she couldn't see her life without them.

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After spending time with the pack, Anna made her way to the local diner to do dinner with Tyler, Lauren, Jess, Mike, Angela, and Eric to catch up. "So your all leaving for college, huh?" Anna asked the group with a smile. "Well, Eric and I are attending the same college so we decided it'd be easier to follow your suggestion and just... get an apartment together," Angela told Anna who grinned widely hearing that, she truly believed that Angela and Eric were practically soulmates who would survive together. "That's amazing. Just remember to take everything one step at a time and be ready for stressful days. Just remember I'm always a phone call away," Anna reminded them, the couple smiled gratefully towards them.

"Well, they are leaving this Friday but I'm not leaving till Monday. And my parents have been all excited about me going off to college which is, like, so great!" Jessica spoke up as she grabbed her drink and looked up at Anna. "What about you? Are you going off to college?" Jessica asked causing Tyler and Anna to share a knowing look. "Uh, I'm gonna take a gap year. I can't decide for the life of me what I want to major in so Jasper and I are gonna travel," Anna answered her, she twisted the engagement ring on her finger with a small smile. "You and Bella really are twins, huh?" Mike said with a forced smile. "Yeah, it's crazy, right?" Anna replied to him.

"She's married, you're engaged. Seems like moving to Forks was the best choice you both could've made," Mike said with an underlying bitter tone, it was obvious he wasn't over his break up with Jessica nor did he like the fact that both twins were taken by someone that wasn't him. But Anna shrugged it off with a smile, "You'll find someone, Mike. We're all young and have long lives ahead of us." Mike nodded before he focused on eating his burger. "When do you plan to get married?" Angela asked Anna with a wide smile. "Uh, we haven't quite decided yet. At the moment, we are just enjoying our engagement and each other," Anna said with a grin.

The group of friends continued talking about their future plans and reminisced on memories of their high school days. Anna had a lot of fun hanging out with the people she deeply cares about, she was gonna miss them all when they went their separate ways but she knew that they all had different paths to take in life. After dinner, they all said their farewells and went their own ways. "Anna," Tyler called out leaving Lauren in his car for warmth, he jogged over to his best friend with a smile. "I know you've got this new immortal life but... don't go forgetting me, yeah? I expect to see your beautiful smile when I'm old and grey telling my grandchildren all about my crazy best friend, alright?" Tyler told her when he noticed the real goodbye behind Anna's words.

"All right. I know, uh... You're my best friend, Ty. And I'll always be there," Anna assured him and she meant every word, she would never forgive herself if she didn't keep her promise. Tyler smiled at that and pulled the blonde into a hug, "You are an amazing person, Annabeth. And meeting you was a gift." Anna laughed at his words before they pulled apart. "Don't leave ya woman waiting. I'll see you around," Anna told Tyler with a wink, Tyler nodded before the two did their handshake. Anna smiled happily as Tyler walked to his car and got in, she shook her head before heading to the Cullen household to spend some time with her fiance.

"Anna? Darling?" Jasper called out, he heard the sound of someone throwing up. He made his way into the bathroom to find Anna kneeling over the toilet with her hair tied back, he rushed over to her and rubbed her back as she coughed before flushing the toilet and moving away from it. "Are you okay, darling?" Jasper asked as Anna got up and rinsed her mouth with water, reaching for her toothbrush. "I think somethings wrong with Bella..." Anna whimpered out to Jasper who furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?" Jasper asked her as he walked closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I felt sick but it... it was distant. Something tells me that something is wrong with Bella," Anna told him with worried eyes.

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Rosemary Speaks

This was just a filler chapter but a little more insight into Anna's friendships.
It'll be interesting to write the pack when they stand against the Cullens.

See you in the next chapter!

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