4.1 | Bella's Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey," Renee was in awe of her eldest daughter standing there all dolled up. "Crap! My mascara," Renee exclaimed as tears formed in her eyes, Alice handed her a handkerchief. "Charlie, get in here!" Renee called out to her ex-husband after thanking Alice for the handkerchief. "You sure? I don't wanna..." Charlie trailed off as he walked into the room. "I know. I look hot," Charlie said with a grin making the others laugh. Charlie opened a gift box containing a jeweled hair comb accessory, "We thought you needed something blue. And something old. Besides your mother." Renee rolled her eyes, "Nice."

"It was Grandma Rose's," Charlie said as Bella picked it up with a smile. "But we added the sapphires," Renee added as Anna hugged her. "It's beautiful, you guys. Wow, thank you so much," Bella complimented as she handed it over to Alice to put in her hair. "It's your first family heirloom. Pass it on to your daughter, and her daughter..." Renee began to cry again while Anna and Bella shared an uncertain expression. "Mom, I love it," Bella says before moving to embrace Charlie and Renee only for Alice to stop her, "Nope. No smudging my masterpiece." Renee agreed before Alice clapped her hands, "Okay. Time for the dress! Do you wanna see it?"

Anna excused herself to get into her dress, she walked into Jasper's room to see him standing by the window looking down at the crowd. "Are you okay, love?" Anna asked as she approached him, her hands wrapping around his arm as she looked out the window. "Just feeling the thirst of the Denali coven due to them being around humans. That on top of the usual thirst around me... I'll be okay, Darling," Jasper assured her as he turned his head. "You look beautiful, Anna," Jasper told her as he turned to her. "And you look handsome, Jasper," Anna replied before glancing out the window again, "Jess thinks Bella's pregnant and that's why she's marrying young."

Jasper laughed at that, "Jessica has a way of making things seem negative rather than positive." Anna nodded in agreement with her fiance's words, but she knew that one conversation with Jessica would help the brunette understand that Bella was in love and ready to be married to the man she loved. "I'm right here, Jasper. You're gonna be fine. Just focus on me," Anna told Jasper who smirked. "I'm always focused on you, Darling. You're all I think about, night and day, you are my everything," Jasper told her before leaning down to kiss Anna who felt so immensely in love with Jasper that her life meant nothing without him by her side.

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After getting into her maid-of-honor dress, Anna made her way out to the ceremony. Anna sat down in the front row next to Jasper smiling as they stood up and turned to watch Bella be walked down the aisle by Charlie. Turning Page by Sleeping At Last played through the speakers that had been set up, the song being the perfect choice for Edward and Isabella. Charlie handed Bella off to Edward and everyone sat down as the Minister began, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me." Anna sniffled slightly despite no tears falling.

Anna grabbed Jasper's hand in her own, she couldn't help but picture her own wedding day; she didn't want something this extravagant, she wanted simple with only those closest to her. The now husband and wife shared their first kiss married, Anna stood up and clapped for the newly wedded couple with a wide smile. Jasper relished in the pure joy that radiated off of his beloved in tidal waves, the emotion overpowering the thirst the vampires were holding back. After the ceremony, they made their way towards the area that had been cleared for the reception and Anna spent time introducing Jasper to family who had come for Bella's wedding.

Jasper and Anna turned their attention to the Denali coven who approached them wanting to meet the woman who had tamed the Major. "You must be Anna," Carmen spoke as she leaned into Eleazar's side. "That would be me. I'm risking the assumption that you are Carmen and Eleazar?" Anna asked with a kind smile. "You'd be guessing that right," Carmen answered her with her own smile. "And this is Tanya and Irina," Carmen pointed to the two blondes that stood by them. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," Anna told them. "You were imprinted on by one of them," Irina said with a glare, Anna sighed knowing about Laurent. "Irina," Tanya said sternly.

Jasper pulled Anna away from the Denali Coven and lead her over to their seats by Edward and Bella, the speeches beginning for the night. "Excuse me. Is this on? Hello?" Emmett spoke through the microphone receiving a thumbs-up from Anna. "Umm, I'd like to propose a toast. To my new sister, Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last eighteen years. 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while," Emmett says with a laugh, and while the supernatural beings knew he meant the life of a vampire, the others thought inappropriately creating an awkward atmosphere that made Anna laugh.

Jessica took Emmett's place and smiled, "Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward. Or 'The Hair', as I call him. And then, suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team." Jessica laughed while Anna shook her head. "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council," Jessica added before noticing the look on Anna's face, she willingly handed the microphone over to Charlie. "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop. I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the Earth," Charlie threatened playfully with a serious undertone that made Bella smile.

Others spoke including Alice and Renee, the latter having sung the lullaby she sang to the twins when they were babies; she was clearly intoxicated already. "I'd like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever," Esme spoke with a kind smile before Anna made her way up to the stage, she took in a breath before looking at Bella who leaned forward with eagerness to hear what her little sister had to say. "Isabella Swan, my older twin, my other half, my wombmate. The Bell to my Annie," Anna began making Bella laugh with teary eyes.

"From the moment we were born, we were the best of friends. We've had many ups and downs, disagreements and moments of silent treatment towards each other but no matter what happened, we always looked out for one another," Anna said with her eyes locked with her older twin, "We both held fears about what may happen to us once high school was over but truthfully, I know that no matter what pathways we take, we'll always find out way back to each other. I love you, Bell. And I'm so happy that you've found love even though you were a completely awkward teenager." Everyone laughed while Bella rolled her eyes, wiping the tears that fell.

"And Edward, I know we've had our disagreements and while some are still in the pending stage of forgiveness," Anna said as she looked at Edward, he nodded understanding why she still hadn't forgiven him. "Thank you for never truly walking away from Bella. For showing her that she can be loved and for fighting for her. And while I'm sure we'll still butt heads, I am happy to say welcome to the family, brother-in-law," Anna told him with a smile. "But remember, I'm the daughter of the sheriff, you screw up, and let's just say... it won't be pretty," Anna warned with an innocent smile that was more unnerving than comedic.

"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to. And who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin," Edward began after switching with Anna, the blonde shared a glance with Bella before leaning into Jasper who rested his arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head. "So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever," Edward raised his glass, the room following his actions while Edward and Bella shared a loving look.

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Rosemary Speaks

And so the final act begins!

Any specific theories or hopes for this part?

See you in the next chapter!

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