52. O Hoy!

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A voice intertwined with my two separate identities whispered in my mind and I answered the Doctor, "Backwards."

The Doctor caught my eye as he put down several levers, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Backwards it is, my Rose."

The TARDIS shook as it spun through the time vortex before settling.

The Doctor glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"What will be out there you suppose?"

"Won't find out by all the tongue wagging, let's go."

"Tongue wagging?" The Doctor whispered.

Astrid was the first to stride to the doors, "Let's see, shall we?"

"You might want to change." I glanced at her maid costume.

Astrid looked down and blushed.

I pointed to the corridor off the main control room, "Down there, take first left, 2nd right, 3rd on the left go straight past and then under stairs. Past the bins, fifth door on your left. Just ask Sexy for what you need."

"What do I need?"

The Doctor opened the door and stuck his tongue out, "Late 17th century...hmm...salty." He ducked back in, "Dress for life on the sea, comfortable but no jeans. Slacks and blouse if you don't want to wear traditional garb."

"Alright. Off I go."

The Doctor looked at my outfit. A trench coat that mimicked his but in burgundy velvet, high trousers and striped tee.

"A tricorn and you could be a captain."

I looked at the outfit and smirked, "Sexy picked it out for me, so who knows."

It wasn't long before Astrid joined in a loose white blouse and high-waisted pants and boots.

She grinned, "We look like buccaneers from the stories of planet Earth."

She strode forward with confidence and opened the TARDIS doors.

A darkened wood hall with a lower ceiling of wood. A slight rock told us where we landed.

"We are on a ship. A bona fide ship."

I let out a laugh and pointed to where some eerie moonlight was coming through a hatch.

"Should we knock?"

The Doctor and Astrid looked at each other before both shrugging with wide grins.

"Why not?"

We banged on the hatch. It didn't take long for it to swing open.

"Hello there." The Doctor peeked at the staring faces that greeted us.

"Yo ho ho," I chimed from behind.

Astrid giggled at the gobsmacked reactions of the pistol wielding sailors in tricorn hats.

"Did no one send a distress signal?"

The pirates looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"Looks like we've done it again, arrived uninvited somewhere." The Doctor said with a too wide grin.

Astrid spoke up. "Are you in need of any help?"

The one with the biggest hat gestured at us with his loaded pistol, "Get out...carefully."

We clambered out from below, hands raised above our heads.

The Doctor and I glanced at each other when we saw the nervous looks.

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