12. Aliens in Downing Street

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"Got it!"

The Doctor's voice cheered, "Boosted the radar so we can follow the path of the spaceship..." He looked at me with an eager expression as I came to his side. He pointed to the swivel screen above the console, "That's the spaceship on the way to the Earth but see..." He pointed to the trajectory of the little ship on the screen, "It sling-shotted around the Earth. It went up and came back back. Whoever those aliens are, they've been here for a while."

The Doctor changed the screen to worldwide news channels, flipping through them as he gained the information he needed. He paused on one and pointed to a bunch of officials, "I know them."

"Antagonists or allies?"

He hummed beneath his breath, "I worked with them for a bit. They wouldn't recognize me now though." He looked at Mickey and I could practically see his wheels turning.

"Ricky, do you have a car? Of course you do. Give us a ride, yeah."

"Say please, Doctor." I looked at the Doctor.

The Doctor stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed.

"Would that be ok Mickey?"

"Might as well, not going to let you out of my sight this time."

No sooner did we step outside were we surrounded by spotlights,and armed men. I watched Mickey runoff and when he caught my eye, I winked at him.

The Doctor and I were directed to the back seat of a plush seat car.

"This doesn't look like we are being arrested."

"That's because we are not. They are taking us to 10 Downing Street."

My eyes widened before I spoke cautiously, "I think it was my mum that called them."

"Did us a favour then, got a ride directly where we needed to be."

Paparazzi lights flashed as we got out of the car. My cheeks heated just for a moment but I was suddenly glad I'd worn my better cardigan set. I tilted my head up proud and continued, after all I was with the Doctor.

Once we were in, all the 'importants' got ID cards. I was rejected from going in but before we parted I grabbed a hold of the Doctor's arm.

I leaned up to his ear, "Something is fishy about this whole thing."

Out of the corner of my eye I caught his wide grin, "I don't smell any fish."

"Oh hush you...Think about it Doctor, if you placed all the important people in a room what would be the quickest way to remove them?"

He nodded before continuing on in.

The man that had stopped me from entering after the Doctor, looked at me apologetically, "I'm going to have to have you wait with Security."

A woman stepped up beside me, "That's alright, I can take her. I was heading that way already."

As we walked away the woman's head tilted ever so toward me, "Harriet Jones, Flydale North."

I nodded as she walked at a quick pace as was normal.

"This friend of yours, is he truly an expert? Does he know about aliens?"

I looked at her features and noticed how they trembled ever so slightly, like they were close to collapse.

When we reached a corner away from sight she broke down crying and I took her into my arms uncertainly. I listened to the song that came from this woman before I helped her compose herself, "Will you show me?"

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