34. A Glimpse of the Void

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I woke to the whole TARDIS shaking.

I fell over and felt a weight on top of me to find the Doctor bracketing me with his frame. Our noses brushed against each other.

"Something's wrong." We both spoke at the same time, our lips brushing against each other.

In the fairy lights dim glow I could see the doctor's colour rising and I felt my cheeks warm.

He sat up at my side only for the TARDIS to slam the both of us to the left and this time I was on top of him.

Both of us sputtered as I tried to get up but our limbs were tangled with the others.

Then it went dark, all the lights and everything pitch black.

In the darkness I heard a voice, "Already taken care of."

"Did you hear that?" I whispered.

"What?" The Doctor's breath was upon my ear.

In the darkness I saw a flicker of something and the voice spoke again, "Only you can hear me, after all we are one and the same."

The flicker came closer and I saw the outline of a face that looked like mine in a sparkling blue and purple light.

"Soon you will leave his side for another." The face so like mine looked over in the Doctor's direction as if she could see him. "We are never that far away. We always find our way back."

The lights came back on and the TARDIS righted herself.

The Doctor sped out from the blanket fort and ran to the console room.

I followed after him.

When I reached the main room, I found The Doctor speeding around the console. His brow low and he kept mumbling, "Impossible."

"What happened?"

"We fell from the Time Vortex...but that's..." He flipped a switch and then pulled the TARDIS's viewing screen down, "We somehow came back inside it, almost as if we were pushed back in but that's impossible. There is nothing outside the Vortex but the Void."

My thoughts drifted thinking about what the voice had said that I'd be leaving. Why would I leave unless...

My thoughts drifted to my mum and, "Mickey!"

I felt Sexy's worried thoughts after what I'd seen but there were other things I needed to focus on now.

I ran down the corridors to the stasis pod rooms to see Sexy had already started the process to wake up my brother.

For the next couple of days the Doctor was relatively quiet, the silence was filled in with Mickey's chattering as he spoke about the adventures he'd had exploring the TARDIS while we were gone

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For the next couple of days the Doctor was relatively quiet, the silence was filled in with Mickey's chattering as he spoke about the adventures he'd had exploring the TARDIS while we were gone.

I would look up to catch the Doctor's looks, always checking in on me.

Third day the Doctor turned towards me with a determined look.

"How about a spa planet? You could even invite Jackie."

I smiled at him, "I'd like that."

And that's how my mum got a trip off-world to the planet Midnight.

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