27. The Moon & the Stars

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The Doctor had promised me the Abba European Tour of 1979.

"Well this isn't Paris 1979."

I looked at all the guns pointed at me and raised my hands above my head.

"I wonder where she sent us this time." The Doctor's voice whispered to the side.

I didn't dare give the Doctor a glance, "Let me guess, 1879 instead."

One of the soldiers' in red coats commanded, "You will explain your presence."

"Ah, Scotland." The Doctor's face grinned.

"A bit off target." I whispered.

"Just a bit."

A gun cocked, "Will you identify yourself, sir?"

"I am the Doctor."

I stepped forward, "I apologise for our rude arrival. I'm Marion Rose, this is my doctor. You may search us. My doctor has his credentials with him if needed."

The Doctor slowly took out the psychic paper and handed it to the soldier upon the black stallion.

"It says here you are James McCrimmon from Balamory."

'Jamie' my mind whispered, the door that was opening didn't have much information on him. A past companion of the 2nd regeneration of the Doctor.

I shook my head and focused again on the current situation as an older woman's voice spoke authoritatively.

"Let them approach."

"You will approach the carriage and show all due deference."

We both nodded respectfully before we headed to the unassuming black carriage.

The carriage door opened and I immediately did my best to curtsey.

I was grateful at the moment for wearing a long dress today, perhaps not conducive to adventuring but it wouldn't stand out too badly in the era.

The Doctor smiled beside me, "Miss Rose, might I introduce to you Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Empress of India and Defender of the Faith."

"My apologies, ma'am for my state of dress. I'm afraid our travels hit some unfortunate obstacles."

The older woman raised her head regally,

"I've had five daughters. It's nothing to me. Now Doctor McCrimmon let me see these credentials."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow at me and I waited semi-anxiously after he handed over the paper to the queen.

"Doctor, why didn't you mention this earlier? It states here you were appointed as my protector by Lord Provost."

The Doctor smiled and nodded, "It is odd your Majesty that you have travelled by road when there's a train all the way to Aberdeen."

"A tree on the line."

"That's suspicious."

"I am the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Everything around me tends to be planned."

"Then I suggest Your Majesty gets somewhere covered with good defence shortly."

The soldier who'd ordered for our info at the start trotted up on his horse, "Sir Robert MacLeish lives but 10 miles hence..."

As the soldier continued to spell out their plans to get the queen to safety, I wondered why Sexy brought us here.

I'd seen enough behind the door that had creaked open when the Queen was introduced. The events to follow weren't much changed by the arrival of the Doctor and Rose.

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