11. After Effects

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That was the first thing the Doctor asked as soon as he saw me again, safe within the TARDIS.

"Didn't Gwyn explain it to you?"

His gaze got even heavier, "It didn't make any sense."

Well I didn't know how much more sense I could make, she said she'd tell him about the hunters. Honestly, I was still trying to understand why myself.

"Maybe you didn't listen hard enough."

I walked around the console, a newfound appreciation for the ease of flannel pants and a simple cotton tee.

I ran my fingertips over the console's many buttons and dials carefully. I didn't want to press anything, I shouldn't.

I looked up at him before chickening out and looking back down, "Are you still angry with me?"

He didn't answer but gazed at the cellular I had placed in my tees pocket.

"How's your mum?"

I let out a nervous laugh to fill the awkward silence, "How domestic."

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw his lips twitch.

"She's mum. She cares and she gossips, her only 2 settings."

He looked down at the controls, "How about a visit then?"

I looked nervously at him, "You are not going to leave me there. I'd be rather put out if you did."

He didn't answer, instead he pulled a lever. The TARDIS sang her tone slightly apologetic for her pilot's rudeness.

As soon mum finished hugging me, she looked at the Doctor in curiosity

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As soon mum finished hugging me, she looked at the Doctor in curiosity.

"Who's he? He looks familiar. Have you been on the telly?"

"Nope." The Doctor rocked back on his heels.

I was surprised he even bothered to come up.

"And you!" Mum's face turned stony, "I haven't heard from you for 3 months! 3 months Rose!"

"I'm sorry mum." Time passed differently for her and I. I had only called her a couple of hours ago but to her its been much longer.

The Doctor started inching toward the door but as soon as he did my mom pointed at his back, an ah hah moment written all over her face.

"That's it! Wasn't he the one who interviewed you about the explosion a year back?"

"I never had an interview. He was here regarding my travel plans."

My mom smirked, "Oh is he part of the package deal?" Jackie's eyes flashed, piercing the Doctor's back despite her joking words.

"He's like the team leader."

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