46. First Official Jump

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Armed with my new sonic from Handsome, I got ready for my first intentional jump after setting up the Master as Mrs Lovett in 1963.

Making the jump was easier than I imagined. Perhaps it was due to my 2nd 'inheritance' or perhaps after rewinding time I was no longer so scared about ending up at the wrong place.

I arrived in 2008 two days before the Lazarus Lab party on April 14th.

I visited my mum who was happy to see me. She had many questions for me since the times I'd seen her previously I hadn't had time to explain the box full of goodies I sent her a couple years back.

I'd called her throughout the last couple of years checking in. It wasn't the same as sitting down for a tea and biscuits chat.

"All this time you were mostly on your own, why couldn't you come and see me Rose?

I touched the rim of my tea cup letting out a sigh.

"Overlapping timelines can get dangerous and messy. I had to be careful for both of us."

Later while we were painting each other's nails while watching the news on the 15th mum pointed to the hospital that reappeared after being gone for a day on the telly.

"Well look at that, I bet the Doctor had something to do with that." She turned her head and looked at me as I painted her toes. "Why aren't you with him, Rose? Don't get me wrong I'm glad you are home safe but its odd it was just you and him for so long."

"He needs to meet other people," I shrugged, "I've had things I needed to do."

My mother poked my shoulder, "Oh I see you are running from him."

I turned red, "What...no..."

My mother looked at me with her eyebrow raised and a knowing smile.

"Ok maybe I'm not sure..." I looked away.

Mickey burst in just interrupting our chat, "Jack told me you are going to a party."

"Hello to you, sunshine!" I shook my head.

"Well you want to come with? Might be dangerous."

Mickey nearly hopped to my side, one of his big goofy smiles on his lips.

"You don't know how bored I've been."

The next night had us in our best formal cocktail wares standing in front of the grand Lazarus Laboratories

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The next night had us in our best formal cocktail wares standing in front of the grand Lazarus Laboratories.

I straightened Mickey's tuxedo bowtie as we waited to be let in through the columned doorway.

"Now remember we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." I looked into my brother's eyes waiting until he nodded before brushing off his shoulders and smiling at how dapper he looked.

"Let the Doctor shine, got it."

As the line moved in we walked forward, I handed my invitation to the guard. He looked down at it before nodding towards me, "Welcome Ms. Lovett and guest."

I looked at the banners on either side of the doorway and couldn't help find similarities in the round logo to the Gallifreyan language. Knowing the Master, the version that funded the Lazarus Labs, I wouldn't be surprised if he influenced the logo design.

Strings played in the background as Mickey and I walked arm in arm.

We grabbed a couple of champagne flutes as they passed us and some nibbles.

I gestured over to where I saw the Doctor and Martha enter. I leaned over and whispered, "Martha Jones, medical student training to be a doctor."

Mickey gave me a mischievous look while wiggling his eyebrows, "Already taking after him, quite the competition."

I threw my head back and laughed, oh if only he knew. I sobered a little bit feeling a bit uncomfortable remembering that Martha did have a bit of a more-than-a-crush on the Doctor.

When I looked across the way I found the Doctor's gaze latched upon mine. His lips whispered my name.

I could hear my sister joyously singing in my head as our connection flared to life. The Doctor's emotions rolled toward me in a wave. Surprise, eagerness, happiness, confusion and longing. I gave him a smile and tilted my flute his way.

Doctor Lazarus began to speak to the guests gathered before his grand invention, "Tonight I am going to perform a miracle."

Still the Doctor's gaze hadn't left me.

I reached out to our connection and whispered into his mind, 'Better pay attention, my Doctor.'

Dr Lazarus's voice droned on, "Tomorrow you'll wake to a world changed for forever."

The scientist stepped into the capsule behind him. It began spinning fast, so fast that sparks began flying. It started to get out out of control calling for the Doctor to jump into the frey stopping it from spinning out of control and combusting.

When I saw the Doctor go to open the capsule's door I leaned toward my brother, "We should leave soon."

"Ah, I was just starting to enjoy myself." Mickey looked over at the younger Doctor Lazarus that had stepped from the machine, "How did he do that?"

"With help from beyond Earth."

"How interesting." A man approached me from behind with a smarmy smile on his lips, there was a slightly erraticness in his gaze that I remembered from my time on the Valiant.

Before he could say something else I lowered my voice, "Tell your master that I'll be seeing him soon."

The Master wasn't the only one who could be mysterious.

"Who are you?" His brows raised.

I pointed at the security cameras, "He'll know."

I pulled at Mickey's arm, "Come along, brother. We wouldn't want to overstay."

Before we made it to the exit a familiar voice called out to me, "Wait!"

I looked back and watched as Martha raced over to me, "Hello Martha."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "How do you know me?"

I smiled, "Sorry I suppose you haven't met me yet."

She shook her head.

"Time travel makes things interesting doesn't it?" I tilted my head to the side.

She nodded toward Mickey so as not to dismiss him but then turned her head back to me, "You are Rose aren't you?"

I didn't answer, instead just smiled.

"Why don't you go to him?"

This time I let out a sigh, "It's complicated. Plus you two are about to get very busy with tonight's adventure its best I don't interrupt."

Martha seemed to have resolved her curiosity for now turning away but stopped when I called out to her.

"Martha, don't forget about your family. He'll wait for you if you ask."

Martha looked back the way she came, "I don't know if he would."

"Life passes differently when you are on his adventures you can easily forget that time passes for the rest of your family. Don't make the mistake of forgetting them."

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