26. Mission in New New York

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Jack decided he wanted to explore Earth 2007 and Mickey wanted to figure out his life. Honestly I think they were just letting the Doctor and I have some alone time.

"So where are we going?"

"Just wait Rose, the sights you are going to see."

I smiled at him, only to see him glance at me and then his screen.

His brow furrowed.

"Better not be too nosy."

"Can't help it."

I let out a sigh, "I'll tell you."


I looked at him, "You didn't seem to know when I last saw future you so at least until after you save me then."

"Told him to ask his Rose?"

"I'm one and the same, but basically."

I came up to his side leaning my head against his shoulder as he piloted the TARDIS.

I felt as his nose drifted over the top of my hair.

"I like the new haircut."

"Thanks, its different, lighter." I ran my hand through my pixie cut with a smile. "No more Rapunzel."

"How's your shoulders?"

I didn't need to look up to know he was frowning in worry.

"Sexy's med bay fixed me right up, along with a dip in the jacuzzi."

"Good," he nodded, "Did I tell you that I'm glad you are safe?"

I shook my head.

"I'm glad you...I'm glad you are still here." I felt his chest rise along with his shoulders, "I'm..." He cleared his throat, and there was a beat of silence.

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"I didn't say it."

I smiled, "I felt it."

"Oh Rose..."

I looked up to find him gazing at me already.

"What would I do without you?"

"I suppose you already found out."

He nodded and said no more until the TARDIS landed.

"It's the year five billion and twenty three."

He offered his hand, his big grin appeared as I slipped my hand into his.

As we stepped outside, I felt an encouraging nudge from Sexy before her doors closed behind us.

"Galaxy M87 and this is New Earth."

We stood upon a hill overlooking a silver city, bustling with life.

"Everything a sci-fi city should look like."

"What's that?"

"Gleaming, shiny, interesting architecture and of course flying cars."

"Well of course."

I smiled and hummed beneath my breath. There was a subtle sweet smell upon the slight breeze that rustled our clothing. I looked around only to see grass, Granny Smith green.

"It smells good."

We both kneeled and laughed as our noses followed the scent to the grass.

"Apple grass."

"Well of course." I mimicked the Doctor and he let out a laugh that felt almost like old times.

There was still a tension there, but I hoped that once we were adventuring we'd fall into old habits and get rid of the awkwardness.

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