43. On the Valiant

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"You'll be a good girl won't you, my Rose, wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious mother or pet now would you?" The Master whispered in my ear, he was close but he was careful not to touch me.

Two armed escorts came up on either side of me taking me onto the aeroplane.

I watched from behind us as he took the fighting and yelling Jones family from a black van. I'd find a way to save them but I couldn't risk the Master ordering for armed escorts to take my family too.

Once on the aeroplane, 'Harry' turned to his wife. "Lucy, you'll keep an eye on this one for me, won't you?"

His wife nodded before giving me a furtive glance.

It was a relatively quick flight, where I kept my gaze out the window. Occasionally I felt 'Harry's' wife, Lucy, glancing at me at times.

When we were escorted onto the aircraft carrier, 'Valiant', Lucy was oohing and awing but I had seen much more high techs in travel with the Doctor and my past life.

We came into the helm room that had been set up as the newsroom for the day's events. A long table sat in the centre leading up to a grand staircase leading to the helm.

'Harry' pulled out a seat for his wife, "What do you think?"

"Absolutely beautiful."

As he pulled out a seat for me, he bent low and whispered in my ear, "I designed it, every single detail."

'Harry' then went to sit on the other side of his wife. Lucy was almost like a wall between us.

"Two minutes, everybody." The President of the United States spoke in the centre of the room, "According to the Treaty all armed personnel please leave."

The President got ready at the front standing upon the grand staircase of metal and wood.

"Jelly belly?" He reached across his wife to offer.

"No thank you."

"Take one." The master commanded and I searched out a red in the white bag. It would be foolhardy to argue about something this silly. I looked up to see a jealous look coming from his wife or the way his hand shook slightly when it was near me.

Subtly I noticed the presence of my sister but her song sounded distant.

"Broadcasting at 7:58 at the arrival of 18:00 hours exactly. Good luck to us all."

I watched as the President began his speech but I was distracted when I heard the Doctor's song loud and clear in the room. I glanced at the Master to see him excitedly looking at the President's address.

I zoned back in to listen.

"And I ask you now, I ask of the human race to join with me in welcoming our friends. I give you the Toclafane!"

Nearly ten or more of the droid 'aliens' appeared. They stood tall at the top of the staircase overlooking the room.

The President stepped forward, "My name is Arthur Coleman Winters, President elect of the United States of America and designated representative of the United Nations. I welcome you to the planet Earth and its associated moon."

Shiny droid-like heads tilted down, a voice coming from a sound box below their chins. "We will only negotiate with the Master."

The President tried to convince the species but they wouldn't have it.

"You are not the Master. Where's the Master?"

"Alright, alright, alright. I'm here, its me." 'Harry', the Master, stood facing the audience with a large grin on his face. "Sorry, sorry I have this effect on people, they just get obsessed."

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