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[I was thirteen when I had my first personal encounter with the TARDIS.]

A girl with dark honey hair, looked up at the changing lights of the red sky. The clouds reminded her of overly burnt smores and the smell of the summer air smelled like honey.

The girl wasn't quite sure how she found herself in this odd place that was like nothing she'd seen before, not even in the detailed pictures her world's astronauts would send back from other planets.

There was a melody in the air that made her feel happy and sad, her ballet pointe shoes slung over her shoulder, the soles tapping at the centre of her back as they swayed....it was all so familiar and yet not.

The melody beckoned her through an old city full of glittering skyscrapers and low golden plated homes with circular designs upon their outer walls.

She walked for a while before arriving at a pedestal at the centre of the city and upon it a blue box. Its edges were blurred and the text upon its door was not visible. As the young girl raised her hand to knock, the door flung upon and standing within the expanse within was a lady made of golden fire. Hair billowed around her as if she were beneath the sea, warmth came off her in waves and her glowing eyes stared at the young visitor's eyes.

A voice spoke in a language old and new, its letters and vowels rearranging until the young girl could hear them on her own.

"Hello, little wolf." A chuckle that sounded like chimes and bells ringing, "Or perhaps now you are a little cygnet."

The melody that had brought the young girl before the glowing visage rose up louder and louder until she had to clasp her hands upon her ears. She stumbled from the blue box and watched through squinting eyes as it disappeared. The world seemed to be melting around her, the buildings dripping in gold filigree became puddles at her feet. The glittering skyscrapers glittered until they blinked out of existence and then the world was different and the same once more.

A girl of thirteen with golden hair with light amber eyes continued her walk home. It would take her more than five years before she'd remember those lost 10 minutes.


DW reference: "The Great Kingdom was an area of London where the laws of physics were different than those of the rest of the universe. It only existed for the first ten minutes of 1 January 2000."
It's an interesting event in DW history, in BWFS it happens on the same date but in the afternoon.

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