Risky Business

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"Training!" Bonnie slid down the bannister, landing in front of Henry, dressed in little more than a white shirt that came down to above her knees.

Henry frowned. "Is that my shirt?"

"Uh... Yeah. You left it in my room." In truth, Bonnie had stolen it off the floor and hidden it in her bedsheets. She pointed finger guns at him. "Training? I think we should do some."

Henry drifted away from her. "Why are you so persistent with the training?" He turned back to her in the doorway. "What is it that you want to learn? Because from what I've seen, you've got a pretty good handle on it all already."

Bonnie scowled. You know what it is. I want my powers back! ...Also, what have you seen?

"That's not the point. We have a deal."

"That we do." He shrugged, wide-eyed. "And who's to say that this isn't it? That this isn't all part of your training?"

Bonnie looked unimpressed.

"Fine." He turned into the room, beckoning for her to follow. "Come, let's have a talk."

He sat down in his chair and Bonnie took the one opposite. "Do you remember what I told you all those years ago?"

"You're going to have to be more specific. That was a lot of years and you've told me a lot of things."

"About how you can use one strong memory to focus your power. Did you ever find out what that was for you?"

Darkness. Confinement. Screaming at the walls. Screaming in her head. The stench of blood.

"...No." She paused too long to sound sure and she knew he had noticed.

"Are you sure?"

Bonnie bristled. "And why do you want to know anyway, huh? Why do you want to know? Are you trying to figure out our weaknesses? Find out what makes us vulnerable? Get inside my head and see what makes me tick?" Her scowl deepened. "If it's so important, what's your strong memory? Huh? Go on then, what is it? I bet you won't tell me that. No, you'll not say." She snarled, leaning forward, jabbing her finger towards him. "You are just a scared little boy!"

Henry's face darkened. There was a sudden sharpness behind his eyes. He snatched her wrist and pulled her in close. "And you are a nasty little girl. You want to train? Fine. We can train."

A/N: I genuinely thought this chapter would be longer than this— maybe it was the three days debating where in the house this should all take place that made it seem long in my head XD

Anyway, in the comments this week, I was just wondering— is there any particular scenario with Bonnie and Henry that you want to see? Can be as crazy as possible, I don't mind XD (although preferably keep it clean) It's all in fun!
If I like it enough, you never know, it might appear in this fic!

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