The New Arrival

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Four was walking back to the Rainbow Room from breakfast with some of the others when One caught up with her.

"Hey!" She jumped as he came up on her side, hiding the extra piece of toast she had nicked behind her back. "Some warning! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Apologies. I've come to take you to the Rainbow Room. Something's happening this morning, something you're really going to want to see."

"Well that sounds ominous." Four said. "It couldn't just be because you missed me? Do you want some toast?" She tore the slice in half, handing him a bit before cramming the rest in her mouth.

Doctor Brenner was there already when they went in. "Gather round, children. Gather round." The children drifted over to him, all curious as to what was happening. From across the crowd, Four spied Eleven and shot her a cheery wink, the little girl's face always now seeming to be contorted with worry.

"You too, Four." Brenner called out to Four who was hanging back. "Come in close so you can see. Children, we have a new arrival with us today. Meet number Twenty-Two." He stepped to the side, to reveal a small boy watching the room with wide, brown eyes.

Four's heart stopped in her throat.

She could feel him; could feel his nervousness, and his naive curiosity, and could feel his mind probing back. Looking into his eyes, she knew.

He had the same powers as her.

The worst had happened. They had worked out how to recreate her– she was replaceable.

For one moment, looking at that tiny, innocent child, completely oblivious of the trouble he would bring, Four felt a pure, seething hatred unlike anything she had ever known. It chilled her to her core.

Horrified, she staggered slightly, catching herself against the front of One's shirt. "We have to go. We have to go."


"How could they do this to me?!" Four wailed the moment they were in a room alone. "How could they do this? Just take me and... recreate me and steal my gifts like it means nothing!" She hurried her head in her hands.

Sympathetically, One put a hand on her shoulder, rubbing soothingly.

"You see what this is, right?" Four yelled, lifting her head again. "This is a threat. He's threatening me– that's why he wanted me there! Stay in line, because now I'm replaceable. He doesn't need me anymore!" She swallowed, eyes going wide as panic set in. "He... He hates me. Papa hates me! I'm awful, misbehaved... He's going to get rid of me!"

One pulled her close, arms wrapped around her, gently smoothing his hand across her head. "It's not fair! It's not fair!" She sobbed and cried, beating her fists uselessly against his chest until she burned out and fell quiet.

Tucked safe against his heart, her voice came in a stilted whisper. "I keep thinking about what you said... about leaving..."

Drawing back, he tilted her face up to his with a finger under her chin, and softly kissed the corner of her mouth. "Fortunately for you, I have a plan."

A/N: One listening to Four rant about the indignity of having her powers copied like "Yes, and now you know how it feels." XD Four, meanwhile, is having her worst fear realised.
Also, yes, I know I'm not subtle– Twenty-two, 2 plus 2 equals 4. But if the show's getting away with One and Eleven comparisons, I'm getting away with this. XD
So, what do you all think? Please like and comment, I love knowing your thoughts!

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