Something About This Place

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Nancy gasped awake collapsing into Steve's arms. As she gasped and panted, Bonnie stepped away, looking around at this strange world.

"...What in the H.P. Lovecraft is going on?" There was something about this place, she was sure; some undercurrent running through everything, that she could almost touch.

Sinking down into a crouch, Bonnie laid her hand flat against the floor.

Steve's gaze snapped to her. "I wouldn't, it's like a hive mind or something—"

Eyes closed, energy thrummed beneath Bonnie's fingers, coursing through every cell and particle; flowing through her, like a live wire, a conduit, looping her in to its endless circuit. She could feel a million things all at once, like branches off a twisted tree, connected, interlinked, woven together in an endless design.

And then a low voice rumbled in the back of her mind. "Hello, Four."

Pulling back her hand, Bonnie looked at the grey dust shimmering on it for a second, before she licked a long stripe across the palm of her hand.

"—What did you just do?!"  Steve exclaimed, horrified.

Bonnie rose to stand, looking at him. In that moment, she seemed strange, almost like a creature of this place; the strained light etching dark shadows in the hollows of her skin. "Come on, let's get you out of here." Walking towards them, she took a trembling Nancy by her arm and helped her towards the bedsheet rope. With much effort and encouragement, they managed to persuade her through the hole, Robin pulling her up from the mattress on the other side.

Steve gestured for Bonnie to go next. Bonnie shook her head. "No-no, you first. I have a duty of care to make sure you all get home safe."

Steve gave her a look like this Are you sure? but did not argue, instead taking hold of the rope and a moment later, disappeared through.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Bonnie looked up at the others on the opposite side of the gate. "Come on, come on!" Dustin urged.

Bonnie looked behind her, then back at the gate, then behind her again. Slowly, she looked back around. "Yeah... I think I might take the scenic route." At their sounds of confusion, she gave a little wave. "See you on the other side." With that, she turned and walked into the Upside-Down, their objections following through the gate after her.

"Hey wait!"

"What's she doing?"

"Hey wait! Come back!"

A/N: For anyone who doesn't know, H.P. Lovecraft is an author who wrote Eldritch Horror. (It's where we get the word Lovecraftian from!) Eldritch Horror is... basically the Upside-Down in a nutshell. Google might explain better XD

Anyway, this song always has Eldritch monster vibes to me XD

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