Water Gate

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Bonnie Quatre pulled up at the lake just in time to hear a series of splashes out on the water. Stepping out of the car, she grabbed a small set of binoculars from under the dashboard and peered out towards the source of the sound. An empty rowboat sat out in the middle of the lake, bobbing with the force of the choppy waves.
What the hell was going on here? She had only come to have a look at the crime scene.

There was something going on along the shoreline; shouting, the lights of torches, footsteps. Moments later, Bonnie put her hands out just in time to catch Max before she ran into her. "Max! What's going on?"

Max gasped out the words, struggling as she tried to catch her breath. "They're... in the lake!"

Lucas and Dustin burst through the foliage behind her, Dustin struggling to shake the grip of one of the police pursuing them. Bonnie straightened sharply, taking in the whole scene. "Right! What's going on here?"

"And you are?" The first officer asked.

"Bonnie Quatre. I am these children's teacher. Did something happen? Apparently someone is in the lake."

The police officers looked confused. "Who's in the lake?"

Bonnie looked at Max, Lucas and Dustin, but they had completely clammed up, apparently not wanting to say anything.

The other police officer broke the awkward silence. "This is a crime scene. We found the third victim in this lake. And now she's," He gestured to Max. "Running around here, yelling about seeing the murderer!" He looked back at Bonnie. "Now, what are you even doing here?"

"... Oh, that's this lake?" Bonnie feigned like this was a revelation. "My apologies! I hadn't realised- I must have been mistaken. Sorry, I'm fairly new around here, haven't yet learnt the geography. I was only going to do some... night drawing, the landscape is just lovely here. Calming and relaxing... but I guess I'll not be doing that here anymore." She offered an awkward smile.

The officer furrowed his brow. "Weren't you just at the town hall meeting?"

"-I'm happy to drive this lot home if you want." Bonnie interrupted, gesturing to the kids. "Make sure they get back all okay. You could... escort us, if you wanted." She laced the words with a little of her psychic manipulation- but could not actually muster up much. She had overexerted herself quite a bit on the crowd. But still, she only needed here a nudge in her favour.

The officer glanced at the kids. "She's your teacher?"

Dustin, Max and Lucas nodded, each chiming in. "Yeah, she's our teacher."

"Physics. Miss Quatre."

"Best teacher! Top grades!"

The officer looked back at Bonnie. "Alright. We'll accompany you."

Once the three of them were in the back of Bonnie's car, Bonnie in the driver's seat, Bonnie asked, "Right, so who's in the lake? Do we need to get help?"

"Steve." Dustin answered. "And Nancy, Robin and Eddie. They were out on a boat, investigating the Water Gate."

"I saw the boat." Bonnie nodded. "...What's the Water Gate?"

"It's a gate to the Upside-down, in the lake."

"-In the lake?"

"Well, we think so- Steve went in to look."

Bonnie made a sound of exasperation. "So you decided to investigate this gate without me?"

"We couldn't find you! You were in the meeting!"

Bonnie huffed, turning the wheel as the pulled out onto the road. "I'll... figure something out."

A/N: So, as you all know, this fic is made of two story halves running parallel to each other (Four in the lab, and then as Bonnie in Hawkins) but I was just wondering- which half do you guys prefer? Do you have a preference? And what's your favourite part of the story overall so far?
I just love hearing from you all and enthusing about this story and Stranger Things- it keeps me going & inspires me to write more. XD

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