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A/N: Fair warning, some light adult content in this chapter. (Mostly implied, but still)

Henry crouched on the end of the bed. Slowly, Bonnie crept towards him, on hands and knees. "Is this real? Are you real? She reached out, first to his wrist to check his pulse, and then with her other hand to his neck to search for it there. "Or is this just something that I dreamed up?"

Her hand drifted down his chest, dipping under the seam of his shirt to try and find a heartbeat. She could feel the rise and fall of his breathing against her flattened palm. "An errant fantasy? Wishful thinking?"

Her eyes flicked up to his. "If I were to bite you, would you bleed?"

"Is that you saying you're going to bite me— Ow!"

Still holding his wrist, Bonnie had sunk her teeth into the flesh of his forearm. Bonnie smiled, rubbing apologetic circles on the skin with her fingertips.

"Why is it always the teeth with you?"

"Teeth and claws." Bonnie mused. "Isn't that the way it always ends with us?"

She could feel him as he moved in close. Easing his wrist from her grasp, he brushed his fingers across her cheek before tipping her face up to his. "It doesn't have to be." His eyes burned ever so bright. Leaning in, he kissed her.

It was soft and slow, and Bonnie went easy, fingers tangling in his hair as she let him pull her forward into his lap. Closer and closer, closer and closer... It was not close enough. His hands skimmed down her back, sending sparks through her veins; resting so firm and reassuring on her waist. She drew him down into her, clutching at his arms. Her hands found the base of his shirt and pulled it free from his belt, tugging open his buttons. He kissed his way down her neck to her collarbone, slipping the straps from her shoulders and finding the fastenings of her dress as he pushed her back against the mattress.


Bonnie was enjoying the warmth of his bare skin against hers as they laid together beneath the sheets. Henry was absent-mindedly drawing a pattern on her arm with his finger— round and back, and round again, and lines curving up. Her head nestled in the crook of his shoulder, long hair like a dark veil around them.

Bonnie lightly traced her fingertips over his chest. He hummed. "What are you thinking of?"

She sighed, eyelids fluttering dreamily, a contented smile on her lips. "What it might have been like, if things had turned out differently." She tilted her head to look up at him. "If you had come for me in solitary. To think, where would we have gone? What would we have done? How would everything be changed?

He chuckled low, wearing the lazy smile of the cat who had got the cream. "This would have happened sooner, that's for sure."

"Oh, really?" Bonnie climbed on top of him, the bedclothes slipping from her naked form. She leant in close to his face, nose to nose. "And what makes you so certain?"

With a devilish look, he kissed her, flipping her over onto her back beneath him. Bonnie grinned against his lips. "... I'm glad it happened like this." She spoke decidedly at last. "Every step, every moment, every place we've been, every action has brought us here. I don't think I would have it any other way."

A/N: With all that biting, Bonnie-is-Kaz theory confirmed (Joking XD)
Also, Bonnie checking for a pulse to see if he's real— did she find one? Who knows? She just went ahead anyway XD

Important housekeeping notice— I am so sorry for the lateness of this update.
I'm in the last leg of my University degree, and so for the next handful of weeks, I have important deadlines. Because of this, and how my time is rather tight, updates will be restricted to Fridays/Weekends until further notice. (Unless I find time to publish early, which would be the exception, not the rule.)
Once deadlines are done, I'll consider resuming the usual timetable. But until then, please bear with me!

Hope you enjoyed, please leave a like and comment! :D

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