One Day

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Four and Eleven had taken to walking hand-in-hand together around the Rainbow Room, the older towing the shy younger along slightly, together like two peas in a pod.

Even One had commented on it as they drifted past before settling down in front of the game of their choosing. "Look at you two. It's sweet how you've taken her under your wing, Four."

Four simply smiled, gently petting Eleven's shaved head and placed a kiss on the little girl's hairline. Eleven didn't really speak much, at all really, but that was fine; Four was happy to take the lead.

Other eyes in the playroom watched them coldly. Four expected it, but she couldn't help but feel bad for little Eleven; in terms of her popularity, hitching her wagon to Four wasn't going to help things. Oh well, at least for now they seemed too unnerved by Four's presence to try anything.

Eleven was having a go at a maze game today- and getting frustrated when it was not working the way she wanted, a little frown and look of determination fixed upon her face- whilst Four had nabbed some paper and a handful of pencils and was drawing on the floor beside her.

"One day," Four began, delicately shading the picture she had sketched. "I'm going to get out of here." She looked offended at the little laugh that came from Eleven. "I am. You'll see. I'm going to explore the world and wear fancy suits like Papa, and grow out my hair the longest anyone ever saw. I will, I will." She emphasised this by drawing a flow of dark hair on her picture, which was looking like it was meant to be an image of her dream future self. "You could come too, if you want." She added, almost as an afterthought. She huffed as Eleven smiled, still fiddling with her game; rising to stand, she held out her hand to pull Eleven up. "Come on, let's find something else, I'm bored."

A/N: Guess who's back, back again, guess who's back, tell a friend! No seriously, feel free to share this fic if like it XD I am returned, more chapters should be following promptly.

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