I Know You

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"...I want you to tell Eleven. I want you to tell her everything you've seen."

Strapped to the chair, Nancy screamed as Vecna raised his hand over her face, horrific images flashing through her mind.

Then there was a sound much like splintering wood.

Both Vecna and Nancy looked. There, at the far end of the room, cracks had appeared, spiderwebbing across the wall; then an arm came through, and then finally Bonnie herself stumbled through, disheveled and disoriented.

She looked around, eye's landing on Nancy and Vecna. "No-no, this is not happening." She spoke brusquely; unperturbed, she strode purposefully towards them.

As she passed Vecna, raising her gaze to this strange being, something happened; a flash of recognition passed between them.  It was like time slowed. Stopping before him, Bonnie narrowed her eyes. "...I know you." She shook her finger at him. "I don't know where from, but I know you."

A distressed sound from Nancy broke the haze.  "Oh, right." Bonnie reached for the vines binding Nancy to the chair, ripping them apart. Taking Nancy's hand, she hoisted her up onto her feet. "Come on Nance, let's get you out of here." Towing Nancy behind her, with a final glance back, she pulled them both through the opening in the wall and out.

A/N: Not too sure how this one turned out– not sure it has the gravitas I saw in my head. But hopefully it's good! Please do comment your thoughts!

Apologies for the late update, I've been rather unwell this week and my brain feels like porridge. I was just dying to keep going with this!

A/N 2: The song is a late addition I had the idea for after publication, but I feel this one really needed music. It's not year-accurate at all, but who cares, it's atmosphere (particularly 1:57 onwards XD)

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