The House

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The Creel house. Of course. She should have thought of that.

Bonnie stood before the hulking silhouette, the building somehow made even more dark and oppressive in this unearthly setting.

Bonnie looked at the door that stood before her, the stained glass rose, red as fresh-spilled blood, twinkled slightly in the twilight, almost inviting. She stood, fixated; now she was here, she was almost afraid to reach for the handle. Too many truths lay beyond that door; too many questions to answer.

She looked down at the Demodog standing attentively by her side— she was under no illusion as to how this was going to be, the moment she was out of range and no longer blocking it from the hive mind it would likely revert back to the way it had been before.

"You've been a great help to me." She said. "Now go." She pointed one long finger far past her shoulder. "I want you to run in that direction, as far as you can, until you can't run anymore." With a keen shriek, it took off, lolloping away at a fast pace. Bonnie hoped it wouldn't think to circle back later for revenge.

With no excuse to delay any longer, Bonnie turned her attention back to the door.

"Here goes nothing."

Slowly, she climbed the steps, reaching for the handle. "Henry?"

As she stepped inside the house, she closed the door behind her; turning, she looked around at the place, eyes wide at what she saw. "Well this is odd..."

A/N: I hope you like this one! Not so sure about it myself— I think another case of it looking so good in my head and not being sure if it quite translates to page. But hopefully it's building your suspense! (Sooo close to the big reunion! Er... the second big reunion, if technically the last one counts. Eek! Exciting!)
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