The Creel House

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"But we've found him." Steve said, almost in a state of shock as the gang descended down from the attic. "Vecna, at least we've found him."

He pushed open the front door to the Creel's run down house and the rest of the gang funneled outside with him- only to come face to face with two figures standing on the driveway.

"Uh, Excuse me-!" Miss Quatre bit, standing there, arms crossed, eyes blazing, beside a nervous-looking realtor. "What are you doing in my house?"

"... Your house?" Robin asked.

"Yes, my house, as of twenty minutes ago!" She looked at the anxious man standing beside her and pulled her lips back in a snarl. "For goodness sake, Jeremy, grow a spine. Paper's signed, it's not your issue anymore."

"Uh, we were just... Uh, yeah... Uh..." The group stumbled for an explanation, but one by one petered off. "We... thought it was abandoned." Dustin finally managed.

Bonnie Quatre threw her eyes to the sky in exasperation. "Right, I've had enough of you lot. Get in the car."

Despite themselves, the group found themselves drifting down the steps towards her car, heads hanging like naughty school children. As they came down, Bonnie went against the flow and went up, towards the house. Nancy stopped her as Bonnie tried to squeeze past. "Wait... Uh... Don't go in."

"Or what?" Bonnie spoke sarcastically. "... The ghost that haunts Creel house is going to get me?" Nancy opened her mouth as if to say that was a possibility not far off the truth, but then paused, as she realised she didn't know what to say and pulled it shut. Bonnie tiredly rubbed her eyes. "Please, all of you... just get in the car."

And with that, she walked up to the rose-windowed door, pushed it open and stepped inside.

Pulling open the doors to her car, the group all obediently settled inside, Jeremy the realtor seeming to shake himself out of whatever stupor he was in and making moves to head home. As Steve sat in the front, Robin leant over from where she was sat behind him, wedged in next to Nancy, to comment. "That was... super weird, right?" They all nodded in agreement, even Dustin, Lucas and Max, squeezed together in the back.

A/N: Bonnie Quatre just casually bullying a poor, innocent bystander like Jeremy there XD
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