Setting Up The Board

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The moment Eleven left the chess table, she was replaced by Four, who looked at the game between them for a moment before picking up a piece and moving it across the board. "Checkmate."

"That's... not how you play." One said, looking at her very illegal move.

She tapped her fingers rhythmically on the table. "So teach me. Is she in?" Four gestured after Eleven with her head.

"Yes, she's in."

"So what's next in the plan?"

He leant forward in the chair, One mindlessly toyed with one of the playing pieces. "We need the guards out of the way. We need a distraction. ...I would suggest a sharp pencil." His eyes bore a knowing she shared. "You want to get sent to solitary confinement."

Four looked sceptical. "And whilst I'm getting sent to solitary, what will you be doing?"

"That's need to know."

"... And I don't need to know?"

"Not if you're getting caught, no. And you need to get caught- it's only for a little while." He looked up at her, meeting her eyes with his intense gaze. "When you get to solitary, wait for me. I'll come and get you."

Four looked down for a moment. Then, back up. "You promise?

"I promise. I'll come and get you, and then we'll leave this place- we'll be free."


She wanted it so bad- she did not know what it was like.

"The whole world at our fingertips. We can do whatever we like."

A crooked smile settled on Four's face. "Alright then." And with that soft answer, she rose from the table and set about putting things into motion.

A/N: Sounds like famous last words! So what we betting on the success of their plan? XD lol

Just to give you all a little heads up, I have started University now, so it's very possible I might not be able to update quite so often. I still intend to try and update at least once every week (more if I can, but at least once!) but bear with me if things do slow down or get a bit unpredictable for a while.
I adore having you all here, my readers, and are so grateful for you reading this fic! You keep me going, you really do. So many thanks :D

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