One Strong Memory

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The orderly raced along the hall on the verge of panic; the blood of innocent children stained the walls. His eyes were wide in alarm, darting around in alarm as if expecting the one who had done this to appear at any moment. Reaching solitary confinement, he swiped his key-card through the reader and wrenched open the door.

From inside the cell, he was hit by a wave of pure emotion– it slammed into him like a ton of bricks, digging its hooks into his mind, burrowing inside until something... ripped, and he dropped, catatonic, to the ground. There was no thought in his mind, no feeling, nothing behind his blank eyes.

From the cell, Four emerged. She was in no good way. Her eyes were streaming with blood; blood welled from her nose and ears. Her lips were bitten bloody and sore, her nails painful and raw from where she had been madly scratching at the walls. Her breath escaped in a dry rasp, her voice gone from all the useless crying out.

Without even really a glance at the orderly laying prone on the floor, Four stepped over him, heading off through the halls towards the outside world.

A/N: And that's how Four escaped the laboratory!
And yes, unofficially (or maybe officially as I'm the author?) I do consider this orderly to be the same one she was practicing on in training, just because that has a kind of symmetry to it.

Happy (day after) Halloween to you all! Please like and comment; I am sooo excited to get on to the next part of the story! XD

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