Incy Wincy Spider

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"Four. Four."

Four looked up and down the hall before hissing back to One. "What? You're not being subtle."

One looked around to check they were alone also, then beckoned her over. "Come here. I've got something to show you."

Four looked up at the camera on the wall above- it was angled away, but it was very likely the one down the hall would catch her if she ran across. "What is it?"

"I'll show you if you come here."

With a last glance at the camera, curiousity got the better of her and she scurried across to him, following him into the side room. "What is it?"

He had his hands clasped together, and after beckoning her in close, he opened them a crack to show what was inside. "It's a spider. I found it behind one the pipes. Thought you might want to see it, as I don't think you've seen one before."

Four giggled, smiling happily as she peered at the little creature in his cupped palms. "Bonjour, Monsieur spider!"

"Do you want to hold it?"

Four nodded eagerly, and One placed the spider onto her outstretched hands. Four laughed in glee. "It's so tiny!"

"It's only a little house spider. There are others that can get much bigger than this." She perked up in interest at that, so he continued. "I once found a nest of black widows. They're spiders, quite a bit bigger than this. They're fascinating."


"They're cannibals. After mating, the female eats the male."

As he took the spider back from her, Four wrinkled her nose. "Why?"

"She doesn't need him anymore. He's served his purpose. She's the stronger one, so as the weaker being, the greatest benefit he can have to her now is to give his life over to what she needs." He looked thoughtfully at the spider in his hands. "We should probably put this little fellow somewhere safe. And then I think you've got to be heading back, before you're missed."


Four pulled some of the prettily-coloured glass globes from the bucket and rolled them through her fingers, her eyes never once left the door.

Then, all of a sudden, she leapt to her feet, seizing the bucket and emptying the entire contents onto the floor, the loud clattering of the balls spilling in front of the door making all the other subjects turn and stare, wide-eyed. Moments later, the door swung open, and through it stepped an orderly- by some unintended twist of fate, it was the same man she had been using her powers on in the training room- straight onto the marbles. He went flying, bowling over into Doctor Brenner who was following behind, who caught himself on the doorframe to stop himself from going completely down. For a moment, it was all they could do to stop from slipping and sliding about, but when they did, Brenner looked up and fixed Four with a hard gaze. "Four!"

"Sor-ry!" Four sing-songed, holding the bucket behind her back.

A/N: So Four is escalating. XD Locking a girl in with games she can't really play, she's not exactly getting the appropriate stimulation she needs.

Also, disclaimer time: I know I mentioned it, but there will be absolutely NO cannibalism in this fic- it's going to be dark in places, but not THAT dark, okay. So don't worry about it. It just came up in the topic.

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