Through The Looking Glass

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A/N: Fair warning, this chapter does contain some semi-graphic description of injury. As it is Stranger Things, please be aware that is a possibility throughout the entire fic anyway, but as I hadn't mentioned it prior, I just wanted to be really clear.

The inside of the Creel house was completely run down; dark, dank and dusty, boarded up at every seam. Bonnie fished around in her bag for the small flashlight she had brought with her, but the thin beam did not illuminate much. She was completely under-prepared for this; she really needed to come back another day after giving it some more thought. The stairs loomed ominously before her, leading up into the blackness. Everything was still and peaceful and quiet.

Glass cracked underfoot- the shattered remains of the window from where Robin had put a brick through it. Crouching down, Bonnie looked at the shards, a curious expression on her face.

The world is full of obvious things that no one by chance ever observes.

Picking up a large piece of coloured glass, she held it up to her eye... and looked through into another world.

There are always ways for those who know how to look.

It was the house, but not the house; the lighting was off, strange particles drifted through the air. Dark, twisting tendrils covered every surface. Matching what she could see through the glass to its counterparts in her world, she carefully began to guide her way through the ruinous house. She went from room to room, checking out the ground floor; but it was when she went to head up the stairs that something happened.

Midway up the steps, an eye came into view, looking directly at her. Vecna's eye, looking out through the tinted glass.
With a yelp, Bonnie started violently in surprise; loosing grip on the shard as she jumped back. The glass slipped from her fingers, jagged edge slicing deep into the soft flesh of her palm, before dropping down to the floor and smashing into infinite pieces. Her torch clattered after it, spinning on a centre axis as it hit the ground, the light inside flickering on and off. Blood dripped.

Cradling her injured palm in her other hand, Bonnie hissed in pain, bent double. Then slowly, as if gifted a moment of clarity from the blood welling on her skin, she raised her head. "...Henry?"

All that answered was the silence.

Snatching her torch up off the floor, with a wary backwards glance, Bonnie Quatre hurried from the house.


"... She knows something." Nancy declared, glancing pointedly towards the house; despite their own observations that the situation was weird, none of them had had it occur to try moving from the car- just as Bonnie Quatre had hoped. "That last comment about 'the ghost of Creel house'- that was way too specific."

At that very moment, Bonnie burst from the house, rushing down the steps, a makeshift bandage made from a handkerchief wrapped around her hand. Hurrying around to the passenger side, she rummaged in her bag and tossed the car keys to Steve. "Harrington, I'm injured. You're going to have to drive."

Quite panicked, Steve caught the keys and scrambled over into the driver's seat, Bonnie squeezing in beside him. Despite the tough act she was putting on, she groaned slightly as he started the car, shoulders hunched in, bloodied hand cradled limply in her lap.

"Where to? The hospital?" Steve asked, eyes wide in alarm. The rest of the gang were shooting each other looks, equally as concerned. What had happened? Had something got her?

Bonnie shook her head, gasping in pain. "No, no- my flat. I can handle it there. I'll tell you where to go."

A/N: So, as a heads up, I'm going to be away for just over a week, so it's unlikely I'll be able to update during that time. If I do get chance I totally will, but no promises.
I will totally be taking this time to brainstorm however, and shall hopefully have lots of good stuff to publish upon my return :D

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