Breaking Day

412 19 13

They took breakfast late the following day.

Bonnie was sat at the table in a dress of rich red; it was the brightest fabric she had worn yet, sultry and powerful, it felt like some kind of victory. She had a sketchbook on her lap,  and was near absent-mindedly drawing lines on a page. Up and down, sharp and round... Furtively, she snuck glances over the top of the paper to where Henry was meticulously stirring his tea, although he never touched a drop.

A self-amused smile crossed Bonnie's face. Turning her attention on him fully, she stared, eyes wide, one hand flat against the table with the effort. Determinedly, she tried to reach out to him with her mind; she should have been able to, his emotions should have been so open to her, she should have been able to sense them, taste them, touch them. But no— despite the faint flicker she could feel of her powers stirring, whatever was stopping them still held them shackled.

"You'll burst a blood vessel if you keep staring like that." He had hardly even looked up; there was a slight tease in his voice.

Well, that would be part of it, yes. She missed the familiar prickling behind her eyes.

Slowly, he leant forward, fixing her with his intense blue gaze as he rested his chin on his hand. "If you want something, you can just ask."

Acting bashful, Bonnie looked away. As she did, she glanced down at the page in her lap, and her breath caught in her throat. What she had thought was just random doodles appeared to have become words.

Don't fall for it.

Bonnie stared at it for a long moment, before, taking the edge of the paper, she tore the words off in one long strip. Rolling it up, she slipped it under the table to hide it in the wooden supports.

Something was already there. Another piece of paper, coiled up— intrigued, Bonnie drew it out.

He's using you.

Bonnie did not know how it had got there— she did not remember writing it. Already, the thought of doing such a thing was fading from her mind. And yet...

Almost defiantly, she scrunched up the note and tossed it away on the floor.

Getting up, she crossed round to the other side of the table and came to sit on Henry's lap. Face turned up to her, he pulled her into him with firm hands around her waist; Bonnie's hands on his shoulders, her dark hair streaming down around them like a midnight curtain. Leaning in, she kissed him, sweet but long.

"... What would you like to do today?" He spoke softly when at last they broke apart, drawing meandering patterns with his fingers on the small of her back.

Bonnie mimed thinking about it for a long moment. "Hmm... Breakfast first, of course. And then... the library, I think. Perhaps we will play a game. Then training, of course, lots of that. And then, I think we wind up the night back in my room." She grinned wickedly, a sentiment he shared, and kissed him fiercely this time, playfully nipping at his lips.

"Hmm... temptress..." Henry hissed, smiling against her lips.

Reaching down, he picked up her hand and raised it to his lips, holding her gaze as he pressed a pointed kiss to the knuckle of her ring finger.

Bonnie chuckled. "Seeking to make an honest woman out of me? Because that ship has sailed."

Henry laughed, laying his forehead against Bonnie's. "Can you blame me? I just want to be able to call you mine."

A/N: Apologies for the late update! Despite saying I would have time to write over the weekend, I then wound up with a bunch of work to catch up on XD Anyway, I hope you like it— admittedly I wasn't too sure about the later half of this chapter, but I couldn't think how to do it better. At least it's out here now and got things moving again.

So anyway, have you guys heard the theory about Henry/One possibly being Eleven's biological father? I want to know what you think!
Admittedly, I didn't like it at first, but thinking about it... I have warmed up to the idea— it really does make sense. (Fyi, this is not me saying that's the case in this fic— it's only canon in this fic if it's canon in the show.) I mean, can you imagine if that was discovered to be the case? Can you imagine how Bonnie would react? XD

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